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Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge: Anything Painted, from a cabinet to peeling paint

Old painted shed

This week’s CFFC topic is Anything Painted, from a cabinet to peeling paint.  There are so many things that are painted, it will be fun to see what you all come up with to delight me. Be creative and mostly have a lot of fun.

This challenge both new and archived photos are allowed.  The main purpose of this challenge is to create community and get to know each other through photography.

Featured Bloggers

I had a marvelous response from all of you on last week’s Door, Drawers and Cabinet Knobs and Handles challenge. I want to say thank you to each of you.  Here are the featured bloggers for this week.  Their posts really grabbed my attention. They are all worthy of a second or third look.

Current Challenge Series – Miscellaneous

Next Challenge Topics – Anything to do …

  • Anything to do with cars and trucks
  • Anything to do with boats
  • Anything to do with planes and jets
  • Anything to do with trains and railroads
  • Anything to do with bikes, trikes or motorcycles

Please check out my Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge to check out more of what this challenge is about.


My entry for this week

Window painter

Painted ship

Painted buildings

Old painted shed

I’ve put together a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

  • Qi (energy) hugs,


86 replies »

      • Cee, thanks for your concern. I’m doing just fine, but I lost my mojo – don’t really know why. This with COVID-19 affect us all in some strange ways. It’ nice to be back. *smile


        • It is probably an effect of COVID-19. I’m fighting the lack of mojo too. I feel isolated and just sad borelining on depression. So I totally understand.

          Liked by 1 person

          • The thing is that we had our freedom the whole time … and be told to keep distance and wash our hands, but I think it is all what is going on in the US that is getting to me. I’m worried because it will effect the rest of the world. I feel hopeless in it all … something I never felt before. I need to travel – I think *smile


            • My little town suddenly got a lot of COVID cases. And where it first started breaking out, they were following all the rules. It was an in-care adult retirement home. They didn’t allow visitors from the beginning. One of the workers must have brought it in. I feared the US in general lifted the lock down bands too early. I was right. I’ve not really left my home since it all started.

              Liked by 2 people

              • In my little town we had so fare only 57 cases, and no one seriously sick. We are 30.000. The thing is that for the US it will be hard to now to kill the spread. New York had the right idea – but with COVID-19 increasing to rapidly in so many states. Look at China that has so many million people in very strict look-down and they manage to control the spread and opening up. Cee, be careful and wear mask.


                • Yesterday we had the highest number of reported new cases in the US since this all began. I won’t go into the stupid stories of people or our leaders who encourage not wearing masks or taking COVID seriously. Sad times here that is for sure.


                  • Yes, I just watched CNN … and that Mr President are telling people that everything is under control!!!! It’s totally out of control over here … and I really feel. Just watch the pressure the ICU are under in Texas. 3 free beds and 10 patients in waiting. Who will get the free beds??? Terrible .. and the US has been talking about the problems we have in Sweden,???!!!


  1. Your painted ship actually looks like an unfinished painting. The top right looks like the painter has not quite finished the sky!


  2. And thanks for the featuring – I only noticed it when I had already sent of my comment. Your window painter totally distracted me.


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