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Bushboy’s The Last Photo on SD Card Challenge – For July

Bushboy is asking us to share the last photo on our SD cards for Jule 2020.  I have them from my SD Card for my Sony a7III and from my iPhone.

On Wednesday, July 29, our 16 year old refrigerator stopped working.  We had just completed a huge food shopping trip a few days before.  Oh well.  We don’t get our new refrigerator for another two weeks.  We bought a small refrigerator and have my insulin and some basic things in it for now.  I took this photo with Chris’s iPhone 7.

Sony a7III with my 200mm lens.  Needless to say, the last few days I have been cleaning out the refrigerator and running lots of spoiled food down our garbage disposal so I was not taking photos for this end of month challenge.  I thought the shadow was interesting on this photo.  I took this photo on the July 27th.

Taken with my iPhone 7.  I took this photos of the girls sleeping yesterday.  I cropped out the bright sunlight.  It’s a little burnt out, but I took this photo to show Chris that there is room in this small bed.

I’ve put together a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi (energy) hugs



18 replies »

        • No kidding. They left their dirty carpet behind too. There are only a couple of rooms with it, so we’ve kept it, but it is stained badly. We’ve been here for 7 years or so. LOL


            • Yep … today we just thought, we take up the carpet in our living room and just paint the floor for now until we decide what we want to do with it.


                • The carpet we are pulling up has had a lot of sick and dying pets on, even before we moved in. So it smells and we are going to get the paint that takes away the odor. And just let it be subfloor for awhile. It’s our living room, but it is a room we have set up for exercise and dogs. We have a table in it to so we can play computer games while the dogs play. So the painted wood should work well.


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