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Evacuation has been upgraded.

We are packing and heading to my sister’s in Idaho.

The air quality is suppose to be outrageous bad … like triple bad from what we have now … so we are leaving.

I’ll catch up with you when I can



75 replies »

  1. Wow, Cee, Have a safe trip. I hope everything is ok when you get back. Our air quality here is bad, but we’re about an hour and a half from the nearest fire location. Very sad times. I’ll keep you in my thoughts and prayers.


  2. Thanks for keeping us updated at a horrifying time. I was keeping an eye the map of your area yesterday. I hope you have a safe route through to your sister’s house and that the air in the car will be ok. Thank goodness she can offer shelter.


  3. Cee, I’ve lost track of whether I left a comment on one of your other posts. Stay safe, Cee. Take care of your lungs. My lungs have not felt right since before our fires. Thinking of you. Your place is normally such a green oasis. It is hard to believe, but so familiar.


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