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Fire Status: Thursday

I’m sitting here looking out our TV room window at 8:18 am on September 10.   It’s a little lighter out than yesterday at this time.  The difference is that the smoke is now on the ground, which makes breathing much harder.

I took this photo just a few minutes ago with my iPhone. I can’t get it to look like it really looks outside, but it gives you an idea. The bright part is actually the light in the room reflecting. It’s more like a foggy day with orange. Even the trees across the street you can’t see clearly.

The winds are starting to shift a little bit.  The good news about that is we probably won’t be need to evacuate.  The bad news is we won’t be out of the smoke at least until Sunday.  The smoke band runs a few hundred miles out the coast and the winds will slowly shift it all back over us.

We are looking for possible rain on Monday and Tuesday.  I’m sure the firefights should enjoy that.  There are many firefighters who have not eaten or slept in over 96 hours trying to keep fires from small towns through out Oregon, Washington and of course California who’s had fires longer than we have.

So today, I’m locked in our smallest room 10-15 feet with the dogs.  We have two really good air filters running on high.  My weakest point on my body is my lungs so we are trying to keep them as clean as possible.  If I leave this room, I have to wear a mask.  There is just a thin layer of smoke in the rest of the house, that is visible.

Photo of Freddie taken in July.

We really don’t have anywhere to run.  South of us the fires are worse.  East is where our fires are.  North (Portland) is smoke filled and also I don’t want to get caught in the riots.  The fastest and easies way to get to the beach, the roads are closed, due to fires and smoke.  We can’t get to Lincoln City, which would be our closest beach.  Lincoln City is being are evacuated to a city 30 miles down the coast to Newport, which would be our second choice and a much longer drive.

Plus Freddie, our 20 year old cat, can’t travel with us.  He’d have to stay crated in the car.  The girls might have stay in the car, as well.  In fact with so many evacuations, we all might have to stay in the car, which would make the air just as bad as here.

Digi and Maddie wishing they could go outside. I’m just glad they are litter trained.

Anyhow, I’m taking a blogging vacation until through September 20.  I will still post my FLOWER A Day challenge as long as I have electricity.  All my other challenges remain open from the last topic I used.

Here are links to my challenge home pages:

Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge

On the Hunt For Joy

Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge

I’ve gathered a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi (energy) hugs


45 replies »

  1. Thank goodness for the air filters, and thank goodness also that your pets were up for travelling to your safe place when you did go.


  2. I’m sorry to hear about your situation, I can’t believe the enormity of it. I hope the rains come soon and dissipate everything back to some kind of normal. Sending you all good wishes, Nina.


  3. OMG, that picture is downright scary. The fire looks much closer to you than we have here. I’m glad you are able to get away somewhere. We are actually going to sell our house and move to Arizona, where the skies are either blue or gray as soon as our water damaged ceiling and attic are repaired. We have purchased a rental home for my sister-in-law and will move together as soon as we can. No place is guaranteed free of fire, but Central CA has had super bad air quality for at least two weeks. Keep us posted as best you can. Wishing you the very best.


  4. This is certainly so much devastating. I’m reading about this wildfires on news sites here in my side of the world and from what you have shown me, it looks much more worst than just a simple worst.
    Wishing you and your little family stay safe and secure.


  5. We have pictures of the Californian fires regularly, on our news, all the way down here in Australia. They bring back the horrifying situation we faced in our summer earlier this year burning approximately 18,636,079 hectares (46,050,750 acres). You are all in our thoughts and prayers.


  6. Wow! Do be safe. I haven’t been on WP since February, and I came back just in time to see your stunning but scary orange sky. We went through our first ever wildfire back in April. It came to within 1/2 mile of the house. We went to a friend’s house two cities over because asthma made breathing rather difficult with the smoke. I cannot imagine having to stay put under the conditions you are facing. You and your family are in my prayers.


  7. Wow. Take care and be safe. My DIL lives outside of Salt Lake City and she said the California smoke had been bad but it appeared the wind was shifting and their air was better today. It’s so dangerous. 😦


  8. How horrible for you. A few years ago we had wildfires all August and September for three years in a row. I couldn’t go out because I got migraines from the smoke. But it wasn’t COVID so we had friends over and were able to pass the time yakking and mending things. I can’t imagine going through that although I suppose that the animals help the process immensely. Here’s hoping the rain comes sooner…

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Good luck Cee! I was able to walk the dog today, but it was still smokey. We did a shorter than normal walk. Hopefully Sacramento will clear by mid next week if the fires stop and weather holds. Stay safe!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. I am glad you are okay. I have been following the news on the West Coast as I have many relatives in California including the SF Bay Area.


  11. Cee my skies are still not dramatic as yours – a smokey blueish right now – your comments on where to go if you have to evacuate are exactly the same as what I’ve been thinking. I guess south to Klamath Falls, which is safe – so far. Thinking of you, praying for that rain. Hugs.

    Liked by 1 person

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