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I’m Safe in Idaho Falls, Idaho

We got here yesterday around 2pm.  Got some sleep.  Great air quality here.  It’s fun to see my sister and brother in law and my niece.  So the company has been great.

Update on Canby, the entire county of Clackamas has now have a mandatory evacuation.  There is over a million acres burned and 6 or 7 deaths.  The last few days Canby and the fire area in Oregon had the worst air pollution in the world.  Not something I would normally mention.

The main fire (Riverside blaze) has had several littler fires joined so now it is one big ravaging fire and uncontrolled.  If they can’t control the fires and it burns through Estacada, it all wooded area you get to the outskirts of Canby’s insdustrial warehouse area.  Worse case scenario it wouldn’t stop until it hits the Williamete River, providing it doesn’t skip over it.

They are predicting rain Monday and possibility Tuesday, so hopefully that will help firefighters to control the fires and maybe get ahead of it.

I’ll keep you posted.

Thank you everyone for all your support through this.  You all are my lifelines right now.  It really means a lot to me.  I’ll write more when I can.  Sorry if there are typos in here, I’m tired and we are about to get dinner.



68 replies »

  1. So sorry to be catching up so late on your awful week. I know you are now home safe, but still thinking of you and everyone in Canby. Life must feel very strange at the moment. So glad you were able to escape to Idaho


  2. So glad you arrived safely at your sister’s Cee and we’re praying the rain will come soon 🙏


  3. Glad to know you are safe. It’s interesting to receive information from the real people on the ground with the details of the consequences experienced and not only the official statements too high level.


  4. I’m very relieved that you made it to Idaho safely. Wildfires/bushfires seem so much worse now than ever before and the bad air quality is so dangerous to your health. I do hope that the promised rain arrives in time to save your lovely little town and the others in the path of the fires. Thanks for keeping us posted.


  5. That’s great news, Cee! Glad you’re all safe and sound, and hoping the fires stay away from your home. Rain, rain …. Hope you’re getting plenty of rest.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. So happy all of you are safe. Those fires will be more devastating if it doesn’t rain. We drove through an area that was burnt almost twelve months ago and it is just starting to recover and the Australian bush has a good recovery rate from fire. Breathe deep and relish your time with family xx


  7. Glad that you are safe. I am now crossing my fingers and hoping for rain out your way. Lots of rain. Those firefighters deserve a break. And so do all the people in the affected areas. Hope your home will also be safe. Best wishes!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I have been thinking about you and Chris on the way to Idaho, hoping the trip was successful. So glad you let us know. I am sure you are still worried about your home, but at least you are safe and can breathe easier (literally!). Hang in there.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Goodness, Cee, I’m glad you are safe and well! I’m out of the blog loop. I’m back to blogging next weekend, as we are up in Spokane all week to move our trailer from Sacramento before winter. The fires in Northern California are bad enough with hot temps, but as we drove through Oregon through the 97 I couldn’t believe the horrific air quality. Its bad here in Spokane due to the smoke. My nephew is in Sisters now helping clear brush for BLM. My best to you and Chris. Please take care!


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