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We are back home!!!! And Safe

Hooray!!! we are home.  It has been a long ten days.  It was smokey for almost 700 miles driving from Idaho back to Oregon.  The smoke finally cleared when we ran into rain close to Multnomah Falls along the Columbia Gorge.  It was sure nice to see Oregon rain and our wonderful Douglas Fir trees.  Here is an iPhoto of the rain.

The one thing we didn’t expect was the many trees that the leaves have already changed.  It was so dark that there wasn’t enough light, the trees thought autumn had already arrived.  The dense smoke they had also cooled the temperatures lower than normal.

Here is a photo of us driving into Canby.  Home at last.  Blue skies welcomed us.

We kept our air conditioning on and our air filters running.  They were still all running, so we never lost power.  That made our house not nearly as smokey on the inside.  Our garage is very smokey, but that should air out.

Our skies this morning are cloudy and air quality fairly good.  The sun is shining a little bit in my office.

Chris went out and got our car washed and a few groceries this morning.  Here a photo she took of the carwash sign.  I adore that even though there is a lot of devastation around, Canby can keep it’s sense of humor.

I’ve not mentioned the fires.  Yes, they are all still burning and many of them will burn well into October.  I feel so much for the exhausted firefighters and all the volunteers who are helping those who lost their homes are are still evacuated.  Hard to believe.

No doubt I will be taking photos of the fires, but that may not happen until well into October and November or even longer.  Depends on when it is safe enough to open roads and clear debris.  As long as the winds come from the ocean inland, our air should remain fairly smoke free.  At least save enough to remain here in Canby.

More updates later.  I’m tired this morning and it’s been a long couple of week.  Thanks so much for hanging in with all of us.

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90 replies »

  1. How glorious to be home. Do hope you are beginning to catch up on the sleep and rest, and that the rains continue to occur so that the fires are completely out before mid October.


  2. The big forest fire by me is only 20% contained. They figure the bigger fires on the West coast won’t be out for a couple of months. Now what they are afraid of with most of the fires being in hilly or mountainous areas is landslides when the rainy season hit.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love that sign. It’s a very Aussie way of laughing at disaster. I am so glad that you are home safe and that your town is OK. You are right to say that you probably won’t be able to get to the fire grounds for a while. Here it was probably 3 months before we were at No Alert level. One of the things I remember is the fire brigade and state emergency service guys blowing up some of the trees that were in danger of falling. I heard the booms a couple of times. You are going into winter which will help cool the soil I hope. We had hot spots for some weeks after the main fires were controlled, the ground was so hot that fires could reignite. Anyway at least you are all back in your own home and none the worse for it.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. We’ve been westbound on our #RoadTrip2020, in Burlington, WA for the evening. It was smoky through Montana and Idaho, but by the time we hit the Washington border, the skies cleared up beautifully. We are headed southerly today, eventually to Oregon and then back to North Dakota.


  5. I am so glad that you and Chris are back home and safe. Fingers crossed it stays that way and the fires burn themselves out sooner rather than later. 🙂


      • I bet. And so glad the air has cleared. I was afraid it would take longer. No place like home–there’s a reason that statement is ubiquitous!!! i feel the same way.


        • On Wednesday Chris and I had a long talk. We need an end goal of coming home and returning to normal. My sister and her family were so supportive and helped us so much. But as the saying goes “there is no place like home”. It was a little smokey this morning (and I mean nothing even close to dangerous), but now with the sun up I’m seeing a hint of blue skies. How lovely.


  6. Great to hear that you are home and safe. Living in Australia I understand what you and the many communities affected by these terrible bushfires are experiencing. The devastation to, and loss of homes, livelihoods and wildlife is incomprehensible at times. It’s terrible. Stay safe and yes, you have to keep your sense of humour!

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Awesome that you guys are back safe & well 🎉 & so nice to see the rain again. Hope you’re all able to get a bit of a rest & that things will soon return to normal; although who knows what normal is in 2020 🤔 Hugs & best wishes from me & Susan 💕

    Liked by 2 people

    • Thanks Jez and Susan. I should slowly get back to normal, but I’m not pushing anything. It may still be a quiet week on the blogs for me. So much to do here and we need rest.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Glad to have you back and that your home is there and safe. Wish that would be true for all the others out west. So much destruction, so much grief. Just happy the the rain brought sunshine for you!

    Liked by 2 people

    • There are definitely hundreds and thousands of people who are still waiting and starting to realize the horror their lives have become. I know Oregon is not out of it yet and neither if Washington and California. Frightening times.

      Liked by 1 person

      • So sad. It will take years, if ever, to get back to a semblance or normal. Wishing won’t make it so. We need to find real ways and take action.


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