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Lens-Artists Photo Challenge #117 – A Photo Walk

Here is my entry into Amy’s of Lens-Artists Photo A Week Challenge with the topic of A Photo Walk.

These photos were taken back on January 3, 2012.  That’s a lot of years ago.  But it is a walk where Chris took the morning off and we walked Molalla State Park here in Canby.  Here are a few photos I took that morning.

Here is an old tire I found along the Willamette river.

We saw this little lizard on the trail. Chris picked it up with a leaf so I could get a better photo of it.

And finally, this patch of wet colorful leaves were near the trail.

I’ve put together a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi (energy) hugs


32 replies »

  1. Interesting walk, Cee. I was curious about the shacks at the end of the docks. Are they ice shacks??? I love the bright colors. Thanks for sharing! I hope you are doing fine amidst the craziness.


  2. A lovely walk – and how great to walk together as well! Love the reflections and the lizard – I love lizards! The colours and leaves are coming here now as autumn is greeting us. Stay well.


      • So happy to hear you are recovering your self, Cee. I am on my way, but losing a loved one takes its time …and losing a parent is going to take even more time to recover from. I am so glad we have the possibilities to talk and also to find strenght through WP and blogging.


  3. A beautiful photo walk along the state park. The first image is picturesque and the little lizard is amazing!


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