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Lens Artists Photo Challenge #119 – My Hideaway

Here is my entry into guest host Anne from Christine of Lens-Artists Photo A Week Challenge with the topic of My Hideaway.

I don’t know if I have a hideaway these days other than hibernating in my own home. I know most of us don’t feel very safe right now with all that is going on in the world, and I am no different. I’ve thought a lot about Christine’s topic and the one time I feel is safe and protected is around trees, big trees. I think that is part of way I love Oregon so much.

Wouldn’t it be nice to have a house in any of these scenes and feel safe and protected.

I’ve put together a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi (energy) hugs


30 replies »

  1. I agree Cee, the trees have much to teach us, and one can feel very safe among them. Of course, that assumes there are no fires anywhere nearby! Have you read The Understory by Richard Powers? As a tree lover it is an absolute must. One of my very favorite experiences ever was our visit to the redwood forests of California. One can truly feel the life and strength of those amazing specimens.


    • Oh I so love the redwoods. Some of the redwoods in Northern California burned (or are still burning) this year. I hope many survived, I really don’t know.


    • That big tree is probably my favorite tree in Oregon. It’s canopy must be close to 100′ wide. It a black walnut tree. I would love a house that circles it and let it grow up in the middle of the house. It’s tall enough to get a one story underneath.


  2. Cee, I totally agree with you about the world right now. I don’t feel safe either. I wonder if anyone does. I am glad you live in Oregon with so many beautiful and majestic trees. I believe old trees know so much, more than we humans will ever know. And I rest in the feeling that they have gone through so much and are still standing. I hope we will be too, because there must be a life beyond Corona, beyond all this unrulyness. When I grew up I dreamed of a house in a tree, and I guess I still do. A treehouse where I could feel safe to contemplate the world from above. In the shadow of my old friend.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’ve always and still do dream of livin deep in the trees. A trees house would be awesome to spend some time communing with the old giants. I’m lucky there are several redwoods that were planted in my town years ago. It’s nice to see them whenever I drive down the street. It is real hard not to feel despair right now. You’ve been through a lot recently. We will still be standing tall at the end of corona. I believe that. I’m just not sure what the world will look like afterward though.


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