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January 22 – SquareUp – Acupuncture

Here is my entry for Becky’s for January SquareUp challenge. 

I took this photo years ago. It’s just been waiting for a challenge for me to put it up.

I thought I would also post some things pointing up., since acupuncture uses needles.

That is a full size hulahoop up in a tree with lots of needles.

Here is my drumming feature for the day.

I’ve put together a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi (energy) hugs


29 replies »

  1. I enjoyed your drumming post. I wish I can experience a flash mob in my lifetime…seems exciting! And your UP word is well thought of! Thanks.


  2. So good Cee 🙂 although if the sign writing is anything to go by, I don’t think I would go there to be stuck with needles. Another fab video that keeps on giving 🙂


  3. Mother Nature’s Acupuncture – no thank you. I’m positive I would never wish to cross paths with that plant with all those needles.


  4. I idolised Torville and Dean. Went to see them once in Nottingham. Love the flashmob. 🙂 🙂 And your acupuncture photo. Never chuck anything out!


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