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FOTD – March 1 – Crocus

Welcome to my Flower of the Day Challenge (FOTD).  Please feel free to post every day or when you you feel like it.  Don’t forget that my FOTD challenge accepts leaves and berries as well as flowers.

See more Flowers photos on my Pinterest page.

Chris and I drove to Wooden Shoe Tulip farm today.  It was a gorgeous sunny morning.  We’ve never been out there quite so early in the season.  The only flowers in bloom were the crocus.  This will most likely be the first day with rain. This first photo is a close up.  I got as close as the wet fields would let me walk.  The second photo is of the fields from a distance.

I would appreciate you continuing to post your entries on my daily post entries.  If you need more information here is a link to my FOTD page.

I’ve gathered a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi (energy) hugs


58 replies »

  1. Thank goodness the crocuses were out. It would have been a pity just to see tulip leaves, although I’m sure you could have made those look attractive.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Tulips are barely popping up. We will probably go every week now to see the progress of the fields. I’m lucky to live so close 😀


  2. Pingback: Sweet Emily Kate
  3. Fields of crocus? But why? They’re never a picked flower, are they? And it’s strange too that the leaves seem quite unlike English crocus leaves. Always such a cheerful flowers for early spring though – I love them, so thanks for sharing these.


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