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Wednesdays Writing/Photo Challenge #18: Travel

Here is my entry for Marsha’s Wednesdays Writing/Photo Challenge #18. I’ve not done a Pick Me Up for quite awhile and I thought Marsha’s challenge was a perfect fit for them.

Road leading towards Mt. Hood, Oregon.

I’ve gathered a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi (energy) hugs


16 replies »

  1. I never tire of the view of Mt. Hood. I live in SW Washington and we visit that area often, spending a lot of time in Oregon. I love how on a beautiful, clear day we can see so many stunning mt. peaks.


  2. If this is the road going south towards Mt. Hood, did you find the orchard/bakery? Beautiful photo of Mt. Hood and great quote for it.


  3. This is stunning, Cee, and means even more to me because when we moved to Portland, we navigated by Mt. Hood to the east and Mt. St. Helens to the south east. I love how you used the picture with the quote. Such grandeur.

    Liked by 1 person

      • A bunch of us kids drove up there at night once – I don’t advise that. The driver had a pickup and wanted to go off road a little. He stopped suddenly and said, “I can’t see anything ahead.” It was a good thing he did. We had reached a cliff. With grandeur there is a bit of danger! 🙂 I think I went skiing two times and left blue dye from my blue jeans on the trail. I doubt if anyone from Portland could tell! 🙂 Anyway, I love Mt. Hood and your photo is the best! 🙂


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