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Lifelessons Challenge – This is my Favorite Photo that I’ve Ever Taken.

Judy from Lifelessons blog is running a challenge that will last for one week. I thought I would help kick it off. She also wants to get a title for her favorite photo (see her photo below).

The photo above is Judy’s Favorite Photo. Help her give it a clever name?

Now for three of my all time favorite photos. I know you have all seen them before. And no my favorites are what you might expect from me.

These first two are of Geraldine, She was getting on a horse after not riding for nearly 40 years. She was 90 when I took these photos.

This last photo is a of woman spinning wool. I have a 2’x’3′ poster size photo of this in my living room.

I’ve gathered a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi (energy) hugs


26 replies »

  1. I remember those first two photos. I loved them. And, I hope I look that good at 90 and that I can still get up on a horse! Thanks for all your support, Cee, here and always…


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