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Pick Me Up and WQWWC #28 Summer

Here is my entry for Marsha’s WQWWC (Writer’s Quotes Wednesday) #28.

Currently, I am not in a real good place. I’m feeling a little down feeling trapped. I know it’s a Covid thing and will pass fairly quickly. So for Marsha’s Summer topic, I thought I post a few Pick Me Ups I’ve done in the past. I hope you enjoy these.

I’ve gathered a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi (energy) hugs


30 replies »

  1. O Cee, please go for a check up. I posted in another comment that I’m currently taking medication under medical supervision for serotonin levels that are in disaray because of covid stress. I left it too late and am suffering. Look after yourself.


    • My down times are from recovering from having had Covid and Long Haulers (from Covid). i’m back in my normal happy place since I got a little more rest the last few days. Thanks so much for the suggestion.


  2. I so appreciate your photos and enjoy your Pic Me Ups. Hoping that just posting them helped your spirit! Sent with a smile and a prayer for better days.


  3. Inspiring shots and quotes! Sending prayers that your spirits will lift in spite of circumstances. 🕊💞


  4. What cute pick me ups, Cee and some good advice. I love the little girl sniffing flowers. I can still do that – no sniffing grasses, though! I’m not allergic to PG, NB or Moji, thank goodness. So breathing is still super possible. Thanks for playing along with your pick me ups! Perfect.


Pick Me Up

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