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July 31 – TreeSquare – My Favorite Tree in Oregon

This is my entry farewell entry for Becky’s for July #TreeSquare challenge.

This grand old Oregon Black Walnut Tree is located at Willamette Mission State Park (near Salem) Oregon. When I’m around this tree, I feel so safe and protected. They can grow to 8 ft 7 in (2.62 m) diameter at breast height and 112 ft (34 m) tall, with a crown spread of 144 feet (44 m).. I’ve always pictured building a single storry house under it and letting it grow up through the middle.

Notice Chris sitting on a picnic table in the far bottom right. She was waiting for me to take photos.

Oregon black walnut (juglans hindsii x nigra) is a hybrid of Eastern black walnut and Claro walnut. Similar in appearance to Claro, it tends to have much more purple tones like the Eastern black walnut.

Here are a few more photos of this black walnut tree. (Click on any photo to view a slideshow.)

Now for a couple of non-square photos. Sorry Becky, I just had to post these photos too.

Late Autumn

I’ve put together a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi (energy) hugs


44 replies »

  1. What an amazing tree, Cee, and your beautiful photos clearly show why it’s your favourite. It would be mine too if I lived near by.


      • I don’t think I’ve ever seen a walnut tree so big or beautiful. We had two fabulous walnut trees in our backyard when I lived in Visalia. The house was built in a walnut grove. Unfortunately, one of them died, and we had to have it removed. What a process!


          • I loved the house. Vince never did, so we sold it and bought in the country where we lived for 20 years. I admit that I loved that house the most. It was a constant WIP. If we had stayed he was going to build steps down to the creek and landscape to about the middle of the creek. We had to leave before he went totally crazy! 🙂

            Liked by 1 person

  2. No wonder this is your favorite tree. Uzair, my 8 year old son, has asked me recently about tree house but they aren’t a norm here at.
    Fabulous captures of of a wonderful tree 🙂


  3. oh it is such a beautiful tree – our kitchen worktop is American walnut, so really wonderful to see the tree. Although now feeling a little guilty I have it as a worktop, do hope they planted a replacement.

    You have as always Cee been the most supportive and encouraging squarer, and I am honoured that we are about to catch up via Zoom. You are a very special friend

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh Becky, you are a sweetheart. I’m so glad you like my tree. Notice how I take ownership of it. Although when I’m around it I think it takes ownership over me.

      You are a true friend, I just wish there wasn’t a pond and contient in between us. We shall zoom on. ❤ ❤ 😀

      Liked by 2 people

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