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Lens-Artists Challenge #160: Your Inspiration

Here is my entry for Patti of Lens-Artists Photo A Week Challenge with the topic of Focusing on the Details.

There are three things which keeps my inspiration going regarding my photography. First, looking at other photography from other bloggers and people. I love getting a glimpse of how they see the world because it grows my world.

The second thing is flowers, but most of you probably have already guessed that.

The third source of inspiration to me is Chris. She is alway on the lookout for something odd that I can photograph. We’ve had so many fun adventures.

Like when we saw a climbing wall being moved. We were out at the tulip fields before the tulip festival and this wall was pulling in to be set up for the festival.

She is the one who saw this goat standing on top of a car.

I’ve put together a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi (energy) hugs


25 replies »

  1. The iris are magnificent. The color and that lovely soft looking , velvety, texture . Andi love the goat on the car. Chris is a serendipity for you finding interesting subjects .


  2. I absolutely love the Iris photo! The Dahlias look so different in a group like that. I also love the photo with the lady who has a wet spot on the knee of her pants. It says a lot; like she’s not afraid to get messy for the shot she wants. 🙂


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