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Six Word Saturday – The Smoke is Back. Oh No.

This post is in response to Debbie’s at Travel With Intent blog Six Word Saturday Challenge.

Although the smoke is back, but I am not in any danger. Enjoy its beauty.. I took this photo a few minutes.

I’ve gathered a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi (energy) hugs


32 replies »

  1. I have been wondering how you’re managing this year with the fires. You’ll have a different perspective on it after last year.


  2. We have some fires around us at the moment due to backburning and I was marvelling at the beauty of the sun through it. You’ve captured it so well. Glad you’re safe.


  3. A friend of mine in Arizona sent a picture and funny how it looked very much the same. We got a lot of smoke from fires far north of us in Canada, but not as bad as yours.

    Please stay safe!


    • So far we are safe. None of the fires are close enough to me….fortunately. I just fee for those who fear having to leave or have lost their homes because of the fires around the world.


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