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Nearly a Year Later – Covid Long Haulers Update

It hasn’t been quite a year since Chris and I had Covid. For those of you who don’t know our story. Last September (2020) we had to evacuate our home due to wildfires and smoke. We happened to live in a small city in Oregon. And we had the worst air in the world for several days. We ended up escaping to Idaho where my sister lives.

Idaho is state where most people didn’t have masks or really cared too much about Covid. We kept our masks on, but we still stayed in a hotel one night. We had to get and pump our own gas, get food out.

We came home and had a mild case of Covid. In fact, aside from some coughing and some breathing issues which we contributed to smoke inhalation, we didn’t even realize we had Covid. Although about a month after coming home, we started to get Covid Long Haulers systems.

Researchers (Study from England just came out this week) have listed the top 25 most common symptoms. About one third of people who had had Covid get Long Haulers. And our lives have been drastically altered and doctors have no idea if Long Haulers will ever recover. I have half of the symptoms (highlighted in bold)..

  • Fatigue (58%)
  • Headaches (44%)
  • Attention disorder (27%)
  • Hair loss (25%)
  • Dyspnea, or difficulty breathing (24%)
  • Ageusia, or loss of taste (23%)
  • Anosmia, or loss of smell (21%)
  • Post-activity polypnea, or heavy breathing/panting/sweating (21%)
  • Joint pain (19%)
  • Cough (19%)
  • Sweat (17%)
  • Nausea or vomiting (16%)
  • Chest pain (16%)
  • Memory loss (16%)
  • Hearing loss or ringing in the ears (15%)
  • Anxiety (13%)
  • Depression (12%)
  • Digestive disorders (12%)
  • Weight loss (12%)
  • Cutaneous signs, or skin and dermatological issues (12%)
  • Increase in resting heart rate (11%)
  • Palpitations (11%)
  • Pain (11%)
  • Intermittent fever (11%)
  • Sleep disorder (11%)

This is now our normal lifestyle.

We sleep sitting up in our recliners so we can breathe. The house is a mess because we don’t have the energy to do even a little cleaning.  We do what we can, when we can, but the fur bunnies are overtaking us. We order in our dinner meals because we don’t have the strength to stand and cook.  We get all our groceries delivered.  We haven’t had a shower since this hit because it takes way too much energy to get undressed, sit in the shower, dry off and get dressed again.  We wash our hair in the laundry room sink and do sponge baths. 

We finally feel like we have stabilized and maybe start to regain some of our stability and strength we lost over the past year. We still can’t walk past our house without stopping though. That is actually a huge improvement because there were times just standing and going to the bathroom took everything out of us. We sometimes cook a little bit and are slowly starting to clean our very dirty house.

What we have done which we hope will get us outside more is Rollator Walker. We are hoping this will help us get mobile outside and enjoy the sun. The seats are comfortable and has lots of storage under the seat (great place to store my camera while walking). I’ve so missed being able to take flower photos or any photos for that matter. Maybe this will help me get in shape for next year. It is a heavy duty one so I can take it to the park or nurseries on grassy areas next year if need be.

We are hoping to get out to the beach this weekend and get some outdoor time. Oregon is back on lockdown so finding an open bathroom could be tricky. We are bringing disposable gloves to keep our hands clean.

I’ve gathered a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi (energy) hugs


127 replies »

  1. I was glad to read that at least your Lymes is not acting up along with these lingering symptoms. I hope you and Chris finally shake some of these long lasting effects.


  2. You both definitely deserve some good Qi!!!!
    Sending some on the ether right now. 🙂 ❤
    What a time you have had Cee, heartfelt wishes for a good recovery. It is good to hear there are some positive changes beginning to happen. Onwards and Upwards!

    I have the Zoe symptom study App (UK) on my phone and am helping research by logging in every day – I believe you can log in from anywhere in the world.
    I have been logging since March 2020 and have come to trust their data and their You Tube videos. They give an update every week. They seem sound. There is a lot of info on the site about all sorts of things like the best diet etc.
    Take VitaminD especially as you are not going outside much.
    Here is a link so that you can check them out:

    Wishing you both well – very very well!
    Much love from across the pond.


    • Hi Kat, thanks so much for your wonderfully sweet comment. We do take extra Vitamin D and A. Our doctor has suggested it and we have done so. I will look up that site. Thanks so much for the info. 😀 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I had heard of COVID Long Haulers but reading your post was an eye opener . I’m astonished that with so much on your plate, you kept up with the challenges and comments. You are an inspiration, Cee. Happy to know that there is some improvement and the walker will only help. All the best.


  4. I’m sorry that you are still feeling terrible. There is a chance that your symptoms are not from the Covid, but from the vaccine itself. Those who have been infected already have the best kind of defenses against the virus (acquired immunity), and they do not need to be vaccinated (regardless of what the government says). The “vaccines” are not your ordinary vaccine, but they contain the “spike protein” from the virus. Challenging your body with a new infusion of spike protein could be what has activated all your symptoms. In any case, I hope you start to feel better soon. I look forward to all your photo challenges!


  5. COVID on top of Lyme disease … I can’t press “like” … to continue posting and validating the creative work of others throughout this time …despite these times… I have no words.


  6. I’m sorry you’re having such a difficult recovery. Have you been vaccinated? I have heard some people have had some improvements in these lasting symptoms. I’m so concerned about the long term effects of this illness. I hope you continue to improve. Art is so healing and I am happy you’re getting out to take pictures sometimes. Wishing you peace


    • Yes, I’ve had both vaccines. It did help somewhat from the worst of the symptoms. I agree Art is healing. 😀 😀 Thanks so much for stopping by and taking the time to write. It’s always a pleasure to hear from you.

      Liked by 1 person

  7. Oh my gosh that’s crazy. I am so sorry that it has hit you so hard. Here is to getting stronger over the next year and to taking more pictures.


  8. Hello Cee, thank you very much for sharing this. So it helps to make people aware how dangerous COVID can be. I am so sorry to read what you have been going through and sincerely hope that it will get better in the near future. All the best Annemarie


    • Thanks Annemarie for writing. Covid is dangerous and not to be taken lightly. Just think 1/3 of the survivors have long hauler symptoms to one degree or another. Thanks for you comment. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  9. So sorry to hear what you are dealing with. I remember reading your post a while back and have been wondering… The walker looks good, hope you will be able to be outdoor and continue to recover.
    Thank you, Cee for making effort to make photo challenges for us to participate.


  10. I hope the walker helps with your recovery- both physically and mentally! Being able to get out and takes photos I am sure will help. Sending hugs to both of you. ❤


  11. So sorry to hear about the struggle both of you are coping with, yet pleased that you seem to be recovering albeit slowly, and perhaps with baby steps. All the best for these little victories laying the way for greater ones soon.


  12. Glad to hear that there is some improvement in your conditions. I hope that is a beginning, and it means that you will be able to lead a more ordinary life in some time.


  13. Oh my, so sorry to hear about this. But at the same time grateful that you both are recovering even though it is just one step at a time. Be strong my friend!.


  14. Quite an update, Cee. Keep sharing and improving. That’s all we can all do. I seem to have many of these symptoms without the COVID. The allergy doctor I talked to today for about an hour, suggested keeping my breathing meds the same. He wants me go to a different ortho specialist and have an MRI of my chest to look for possible latent injuries from my fall which would be causing the pain. So that will be Monday. The pain meds and codeine cough syrup control much of the pain, but who can live drugged up like that? My talking is still broken and difficult. (That’s kind of new.) Labored like I’m on oxygen, but I’m not. Take care and let’s get well, what do you say?


  15. Thank you for the update, Cee. So sorry you have had to deal with all that, so hopeful you see vast improvements soon. I’d like to think the more you can get out and about the faster you will feel more energy to keep getting out and about. Enjoy the beach! 🤗


  16. I remember you had posted about the long haul before and I have often wondered how you are getting along. I’m so sorry to hear you are still badly affected. As you know I am not religious but I will out you and Chris on my prayer wheel and ask that you make a recovery. I hope the walker can help and getting out may help to lift the depression.


    • Thanks Anne for your inspiration. I’ve been sitting outside a little more than usual and I want more. I think that is why we got the walkers. Hopefully tomorrow I’ll be sitting near the beach just staring at the ocean 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  17. The walker is a great idea to get out and about. Still having the symptoms is the worse. I hope some are starting to dissipate. Many hugs to you and Chris, throw in a few pats for Miss Digi and Maddie ❤❤


  18. Cee, my heart goes out to you because I know how horrible it is when taking a shower uses up your energy for the day. I hope you and Chris can continue to find ways to make life simpler so you can take part in the activities that bring you joy. Hurray for the beach!


  19. So sorry to hear you all are having these long-term health issues. I hope you continue to get better and that the medical/scientific community will come up with some solutions to help. Feel better!


  20. Hi Cee/Chris (and Diggie/Maddie),
    I love my walker and depend on it so much, especially when outside the house. I have troubles getting it in and out of the car with my back, but it’s worth it. I am so glad you can maybe get out. Right now we are very limited to our air quality. Been thinking of you both and wanted to update you from here in podunk Idaho, but we are still in flux as to what is going on. I haven’t wanted to worry you both with all your troubles right now, but I think it is time, and will email/text you shortly. I have to get a grocery order in first. Love and hugs from us all here.


  21. Thanks for sharing and sorry you are still suffering from this. My daughter was the same, but found that her condition improved after the vaccination.


  22. Cee,
    You and Chris have had to endure a lot, but I’m so glad to hear you’re gradually coming out of it. I had no idea there was such a thing as Long Covid. May God grant healing and full recovery. Have a good time at the beach.


  23. You are giving so generously by maintaining your photo challenges and inspiring us to find joy in nature, the mundane, everything.

    I really appreciate hearing about your medical odyssey. I think I have most of those symptoms, although not at the same time! Must get tested again.

    I’m glad you are mobile. Those rollers (I’ve seen those around) are fabulous. Never mind the dirty house. My house is very dirty, too. Priorities!



    • This year has really taught me about priorities. Maybe in the long run, it is a good thing. If you have had covid already, it won’t show up in tests, unfortunately. Thanks so much for commenting 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  24. I’m so sorry you and Chris are so affected by long Covid Cee and I do hope and pray things will improve for you both. It will be great if you can get to the beach and breathe the sea air 💙


  25. I’m so sorry that you are still dealing with this, Cee. What a crummy ‘normal’ to have. I hope things improve for you and Chris.


  26. wow Cee! I didn’t know you had covid! And now long covid! You poor thing, you and chris have been through a lot!
    Sending you tons of hugs, I hope you enjoy the beach if you go this weekend! Xx


  27. I feel for you both. I have mast cell disease and the symptoms are very similar to long COVID. I’m devastated knowing others out there are having to go through a lot of what I live with. The worst part is not knowing if it will ever go away. Fingers crossed it clears up for you completely and soon. xo


  28. I hope you both improve as time goes by. The New York Times has an article that says the real chances of a breakthrough infection are one in 5,000, or maybe one in 10,000. I’m thinking about leasing a cave until it all blows over. 🌬


  29. Wow my Dr. was just mentioning this exact thing to me last week. Since I had three surgeries for breast cancer last year, and I was doing great then boom. He said maybe I had Covid, and now am suffering the long term effects. I really pray after reading this that is not the case. Many prayers for you both, what a new norm. This Covid is sure getting weary. Blessings Cee!

    Liked by 1 person

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