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October 31 PastSquares – Past Halloween Trees

This is my entry for Becky’s October PastSquares challenge. On the bottom of this post I have a list of Becky’s 16 topics she’s used in the past four years. Becky we made it through another month. Thanks so much for being a terrific host

This is the 16th of Becky’s past challenges and the topic is trees. Since trees were her last subject, I am only dedicating one day.

Since today is the final day of Becky’s Challenge and Halloween, I thought I would post some halloween themed trees.

A blending of halloween and Christmas.

The various themes Becky used in the past are:

  1. Flowers
  2. Sky
  3. Circles & Squares
  4. Roofs
  5. In the Pink
  6. Time
  7. Spiky
  8. Blue
  9. Lines
  10. Words containing the word ‘light’
  11. Top
  12. Perspectives
  13. Kinda
  14. Up
  15. Bright
  16. Trees

I’ve put together a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi (energy) hugs


18 replies »

  1. I like the ghosts dancing around the tree. Such a simply yet so effective deco. And suitable for children, too. This year I had this scary mask – great fun with adults but I always check if it’s alright before I show myself to younger children!


  2. a funny blend of Halloween and Christmas I smiled at the ring around the rosey ghosts. They are having a good time. Your page is a great display of orange as I scroll down. Happy Halloween. 🙂


  3. ooh that first one – how on earth did they get it up there? And the second made me giggle as that’s what our hotel reception has in their entrance hall. MrB was concerned when we arrived last night that someone had died!! Once I pointed out the multiple bats on the wall he remembered it is Halloween 😀

    Liked by 1 person

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