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PPAC: #20 – One Single House

Here is my entry for Marsha’s, Always Write blog, PPAC #20.

Chris and I went out for a drive yesterday, Halloween. We saw this house and I just had to capture their decorations for this challenge. This is a photo of the entire from yard. You will see close up shots at the bottom of this post.

Featured Bloggers

We had a marvelous response from all of you on last week’s PPAC #17. Marsha picked out the featured bloggers and says “thank you” to each of you for joining along in our challenge.  Their posts really grabbed Cee’s attention. They are all worthy of a second or third look.

And this last one, was on the other side of the garage. I just adore the little angel skeleton on the bottom.

Public art is which encompasses any form of art you see in a public place, large or small, statues, murals, graffiti, gardens, Christmas lights, even buildings or bridges. The art should be visible from streets, sidewalks or outdoor public places.

I’ve gathered a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi (energy) hugs


24 replies »

  1. Thank you so much for the shout out. I’m still wondering where they took the mosaics. I don’t even know who I could ask. Without a mayor or anyone who is “in charge” of anything, we have no “officials.” Just a mess of people who are the children of the children of the first people who were “in charge.” Everyone has given up even voting. It’s pointless — the same people are always back. Funny about that. There really is nothing less honest than small town elections. No monitoring, no management, and no rules!

    Around here, people decorate more for Halloween than Christmas. I suspect it’s because it’s so cold ty Christmas, no one wants to go out and get frozen.


  2. Hi Cee, These people really love Halloween. If that yard was any fuller, the fence would bust. I really like the skeleton stretched out sideways across the roof. I wonder what he is doing. I would have missed the angel skeleton if you hadn’t mentioned it. Who knew angels died or had skeletons. What an imagination!


  3. Wow! I like the skeleton hanging on the rope from the pole to the roof. Does this house go all out for Christmas, too?


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