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Seeking all Bloggers who were born on November 7.


Today I have always thought was the best day of the year one week past halloween. I was born today in 1960. I also share this birthdate with two other bloggers.

Marsha Ingrao – Always Write and co host of PPAC. Yes, Marsha I changed the color of the building to one of your favorite colors.

Dan Antion who hosts the Thursday Door Challenge.

I am wondering if anyone else has November 7th for their birthday?

I’ve gathered a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi (energy) hugs


111 replies »

  1. Happy birthday Cee
    Many good wishes for the coming year and years!
    I know a bit of your healing journey story and cheers to your GRIT 🙏🤍
    And so glad we are blog friends! Your challenges offer so many options for some beautiful posts to unfold for many bloggers
    And your flower of the day post (so consistent) is like seeing Cee beauty in small doses!
    Hope you and Chris have a great rest of the year


  2. Yeah!! It makes me happy to see the three of you lined up so neatly on your birthday. I knew about you and Dan but not Marsha until you told me. Long live, Marsha, Cee and Dan!! ♫♪ And this is a most excellent party photo!


  3. Happy birthday Cee 🎂 And Marsha and Dan too of course! I just missed the cut as mine was a week ago on 30th October. And Jo (Monday Walks) has just had a birthday too 🙂


  4. Happy Happy Birthday Birthday, Cee! It’s such a special day that the Powers that Be told everyone to set our clocks back an hour – so you got an extra hour as a birthday present today. How cool is that? I hope your special day was fulfilling and fun. Best, Babsje


  5. Seriously, you pulled it off! I can’t believe it! And a turquoise building just for me. I also didn’t know that info about Dan. It’s a small world. Restless Jo just had a birthday on the 5th and I missed it. So happiest birthday until the next one! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Happy Birthday to my favorite nature photographer! Hope you have a good one and many more to come. God bless and keep you. 🥰🌹❤️
    pax, dora


  7. The happiest birthday ever to you and all born today, Daylight Saving Time ends today, so don’t be late for the birthday party. you have extra time today.

    What will you do with it, I wonder!


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