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CMMC – November Pick a Topic from my Photo

Welcome to Cee’s Midweek Madness Challenge (CMMC), the topic is Pick Your Topic from My Photo below. Possible topics: vintage, kitchen, cast iron stove, stove pipe, cabinet, table, wood, black, white, orange, pots, pans, wood floor, indoors, etc. What else can you come up with?

I hope you have a lot of fun playing in this challenge.  I look forward to seeing your entries for this weekly challenge. Most of all have fun with this challenge. Here is a link to CMMC Home page for more information.

I had a great response from all of you last week, for the November Color Blue challenge. Here are the featured bloggers for this week.  Their posts really grabbed my attention. They are all worthy of a second or third look.

Here are some upcoming topics:

  • November Alphabet Two S’s in the the word
  • December Close Up or Macro
  • December Color Your Favorite Color
  • December Pick a Topic from my Photo
  • December Alphabet Starts with R

Here is my entry for the week

Wood bench, orange
Vintage wood wheelchair and other furniture
White chair and table with black metal
somewhat old stove and dishes
Cast iron wood stove and orange fire

I’ve put together a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi hugs,


52 replies »

  1. thanks for featuring my blues Cee…..I was a bit stumped this week but we’ll see how it goes 😛
    I came across an old wheelchair like that a couple of weeks ago….I thought about photographing it but it had this sort of doll in it which I didn’t really like (I get really spooked by old dolls)


  2. Thanks so much for liking my “blues”. lol Such a great photo for inspiration too. I have so many ideas – too bad they get lost in translation! I really wish I had a pink stove!!!


  3. Thank you for the feature, Cee. You took away all my blueness!! LOL! I just love all the things I’m learning each week that make my pictures more and more outstanding. I’m not taking as many right now, but the old have become new! I’m having so much fun with them.

    Liked by 2 people

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