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Bloganuary: Write about the last time you left your comfort zone.

I’m almost afraid to admit, I haven’t left my comfort zone since Covid started and even more so since I got covid and long haul covid. My ability to breathe affects how far I can walk.

I could tell a lot of stories from my past at how spontaneous I’ve been, but that is not what the question asked.

One thing list last year that made me reach out of my comfort zone was getting on zoom calls with fellow WP Bloggers. If you knew me before Covid, I would never talk on the phone, let alone a zoom session. So this was a huge step out of my normal comfort zone.

I was asked to join in a current zoom session which I call the “English call”. I felt so honored. On my last call with them there were five bloggers other than myself. The call included people from USA, England, Portugal, and Sweden. It is fun to learn about other bloggers and countries.

The other thing I did was start my own zoom call. I call it my North American call, because I have people from Canada, USA and Mexico. That is another five people I get to meet with on a weekly basis.

I would recommend starting your own zoom calls with other bloggers. Don’t be afraid to ask someone to join in. Most people if they are available will say yes. I was pleasantly surprised. It really helps with the loneliness of Covid.

I’ve gathered a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi (energy) hugs


46 replies »

  1. So sorry to hear what you’ve been going through but how refreshing to read you’ve found a workaround. Truly, gifts are everywhere, even when hiding behind dark clouds. I wish you well and much improved health in this New Year.


  2. Zoom has been a lifesaver for many during covid. My mother’s nursing home went into long lock downs and it really did my Mum’s head in but zoom calls with my brother and I helped immensely. Good on you for doing it. Hope you are okay.


    • Yes, I’m doing fine. LIving a new normal with really restricted walking capabilities due to breathing issues. But otherwise strong as a horse. 😀 How are your doing Irene? It’s so nice to hear from you.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Glad to hear you are doing okay. We have been lucky here so far but we are in the midst of catching up with the rest of the world and we too are starting to learn a new normal. I’m okay. My mother died just before Christmas and although I miss her I am glad for her. It does mean I have a lot more time and hopefully will get back into the blogosphere in a small way.


  3. Oh that is a hard one for me. I attend a Zoom meeting with people with a pastor online, sometimes over a hundred of us and I’m still too shy. One day I shall try it and come out of my comfort zone with Zoom. 🙂


      • Oh okay. I understand. I forgot to mention that when I’m attending that Zoom meeting, I do so but without the camera. You’re blog Zoom meetings are a great idea. 🙂


  4. In the first lockdown in NZ there was a bit of action on zoom, particularly in the craft world, then it frizzled out.

    Instead I looked at other bloggers and kept up with their creativity via the written word. And it basically continues today. I don’t always comment as I get behind with my inbox.

    In reply to your question, I keep trying to “go out” but the mandatory rules here get me in a dither and I end up so anxious I come back home. I’m more hamstrung in that I don’t have a car and public transport isn’t crash hot with all the rules. I used to love drifting around my city…but not now.

    As soon as this heatwave is over, I must set forth to overcome those fears!


  5. These zoom calls are a lot of fun and they definitely help make me (at least) feel much more connected. Seeing live faces seems special these days. Funny how normal it used to be!


  6. I am glad you have taken this step Cee. I was also a bit out of my comfort zone with the first Zoom with you and our Pommie mates. The last one with Marsha again was so good. I should try and work out times to be able to do more. It is difficult from Australia and time zones. 🤗🤗


  7. These blogging friendships have really been enhanced by meeting via Zoom. We all know it’s not ideal, but how else would we ever get people from four different countries into the same room at the same time? I’ve enjoyed ‘meeting’ you Cee. Long may it continue!


  8. I think Covid itself has pushed us out of our comfort zones. All the new procedures, the social distancing, the masking. Glad you have your Zoom meetings – they can be very fun. We had a Zoom new year’s day party with friends, dancing together separately.

    Liked by 1 person

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