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FOTD – January 20 – Magnolia

Welcome to my Flower of the Day Challenge (FOTD).  During the winter months, please feel free to use your archives and find some old favorite photos.

Please feel free to post every day or when you you feel like it.  Don’t forget that my FOTD challenge accepts gardens, leaves and berries as well as flowers.

I thought I’d post some white or nearly white flowers for the rest of the month. Don’t fret you don’t have to follow the color.

I’ve gathered a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi (energy) hugs


55 replies »

  1. I love magnolias. In Austin, Texas in the spring, I would stand underneath one and just breathe. I am asking a few blogger photographers a burning question I have about WordPress. How do I control the crop of my post photo on the wordpress daily post list? Do you have a way to do it? Thanks so much. Rebecca

    Liked by 1 person

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Copyright notice © Cee Neuner (aka Christine R Neuner) and blog.  All content of this website is the sole property of Cee Neuner. Please contact the owner for use of any image or text from this website.