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CMMC – January Alphabet Letter V anywhere in the word

Your topic must any word that Starts with the Letter V anywhere in the word.


I hope you have a lot of fun playing in this challenge.  I look forward to seeing your entries for this weekly challenge. Most of all have fun with this challenge. Here is a link to CMMC Home page for more information.

I had a marvelous response from all of you on last week’s January Pick a Topic from my Photo from my Photo challenge. I want to say thank you to each of you for joining along in my challenge.  Here are the featured bloggers for this week.  Their posts really grabbed my attention. They are all worthy of a second or third look.

Upcoming topics

  • February Close Up or Macro
  • February Color Color Teal or Turquoise
  • February Pick a Topic from my Photo
  • February Alphabet X marks the spot or the letter X

Here is my entry for the week

Five daffodils
Weather Vane
Moose wood carving
Leaves on a wall.

I’ve put together a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi hugs,


74 replies »

  1. That moose is sure funny. He looks like he’s sitting on the pot. Those knees. I’m laughing just thinking about him and we didn’t even meet in person. I finally got this post finished. I’m running super late more than usual. We have sunshine today. Hope you do too. 🙂 I think I got my computer fixed and my files mostly transmitted to my external hard drive thanks to about 6 hours with Geek Squad yesterday. Yay.


      • I think so. He also paused syncing between One Drive and my computer, which is what caused the problem. He also fixed the problem I had between Google and WordPress so that now I can like and comment on people’s blogs using Google. Much better. He did not get a few files moved, but they are not files that I really need. Now it’s back to Bridge to make sure everything is identified. That will be ongoing, but it’s way farther ahead. I also found my battery charger in the car. YAY! Lots of news.


  2. Thank you SO much for including me. You have really encouraged me. I always think my pictures aren’t good enough. I’m not even sure what quality i think I should achieve, just more than whatever I have achieved.

    Really, THANK YOU.


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