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Friendly Friday Challenge – Rule of Thirds

Here is my entry for The Sandy Chronicles, Friendly Friday Challenge with the topic of Rule of Thirds.

To me this is the one rule you will find in many of my photographs. Unless I purposely pose something right in the middle. Here are a few examples.

The big leaves of the sunflower take up the lower third,. The sunflower is placed on the left third line. Meaning the middle of the sunflower hit the left 2/3 of the photo.
In this monotone photo, the dragonfly is situated on the upper right third of the photo.
The photo is split in three, from top to bottom, ocean water, watery wet sand, and drier sand. And don’t forget the seal on lower left corner.
The photographer is in the left third. And what really makes this photo work if the darker colored tulips in the top third, pink in the middle third and white to green on bottom third.

I’ve put together a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi (energy) hugs


21 replies »

    • Me too for the most part. Cropping always can help too!! 😀 If I am not sure how to set it up, I’ll take a few photos … or just back up so I can choose how I want to crop it 😀 😀


  1. You’ve nailed this with your examples Cee, and explained very clearly how the elements of your shots fit with the thirds grid 🙂 Thanks so much for joining in!


  2. Such great examples Cee! I especially appreciate you pointing out all the aspects in the pictures.

    Thanks for joining the Friendly Friday Challenge this week 🙂


      • If you’re not already subscribed to ToonSarah at Travel with Me, you might want to follow her. She’s a co-host for Friendly Friday & for 2022 she’s decided to dedicate all her challenges on Photography principles.

        Of course, Amanda & I will continue to have topics (which include photos,) but your interest lines up with Sarah’s topic of choice.

        Liked by 1 person

        • I do follow Sarah. I first saw this on her blog and thought she wrote as if it were her challenge. Guess I was right. I might add a link to hers blog if I can find it again. Thanks for letting me know. 😀

          Liked by 1 person

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