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CMMC March Rainbow Colors (more than 4 Colors)

Welcome to Cee’s Midweek Madness Challenge (CMMC).  The topic is the Rainbow Colors (more than 4 colors) in your photo.


I hope you have a lot of fun playing in this challenge.  

I had a marvelous response from all of you on last week’s March Macro or close up challenge. I want to say thank you to each of you for joining along in my challenge.  Here are the featured bloggers for this week.  Their posts really grabbed my attention. They are all worthy of a second or third look.

Upcoming topics

  • March Pick a Topic from my Photo
  • March Alphabet Letter D at the beginning or end of a word
  • March Spring or Autumn Season
  • April Macro or close up
  • April Color Purple or Yellow
  • April Pick a Topic from my Photo
  • April Alphabet Letter F at the beginning or end of a word

Here is my entry for the week

I’ve put together a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi hugs,


72 replies »

  1. I’d love to participate. Am I right that we’re supposed to take a photo of a single object or the like that contains more than four colors? I mean I could easily take a pic of my shelf with all my polymer clay creations on them (I’ll organize them f or the photo, of course!), but wouldn’t that be cheating? Or are there other rules? I’m confused. Also, I saw for the future topics you started by sharing a few topics for March, then one for April, then another for March. Also, there are no specific dates added, am I correct?


    • I’d love to see your polymer clay creations. I’ve dabble in it a little. The only rule is you need to have at least 4 colors in your photo or photos. It doesn’t have to be a single item, or even like items. You could have several different items in one photo to give you all the different colors.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Oh thanks, how cool! Is the challenge still open ? I mean since midweek is in the name? I have been trying to use some of your tips for outdoor flower photography today, so haven’t had time to photograph my polymer clay shelf, but I’ll probably get to it tomorrow.

        I really feel kind of weird, being that I’m blind, but I really love what my phone can do for me in terms of photo descriptions and I even discovered there are some semi-accessible photo editing apps (of course the final result is not accessible, but I can let my staff check for that). That being said, even though I do try to follow your tips now that I know of them, if I ruin your challenges, please do let me know.


        • You would never ruin any of my challenges. I’m pretty easy going. Challenges are always open. If you want to be considered for being featured a challenge that start Wednesday ends Tuesday. They are all open for a week. My Flower of the Day there are not any featured flowers. Just post for that day when you can. 😀 😀

          Liked by 1 person

  2. Pingback: Kites |
  3. Love the VW bus! My first car was a VW bus that I spray-painted with Grateful Dead stuff all over it…the one in your photo is much more artistic!


  4. Glorious colours Cee and thank you so much for the feature! 💜💛🧡


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