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CFFC: Abandoned Buildings or Barns

This week our topic is celebrating Abandoned Buildings or Barns. Just make sure your Building or Barn is clearly visible in your photo. Have fun.

Current Challenge Series – Assorted Fun

  • Joints or Connecting Points
  • Abandoned Building or Barns
  • Vehicle Details (paint job, headlights, engines, grills, seats, wheels, etc)
  • Landscapes or Waterscapes
  • City Structures

Next Challenge Series – Gratitude Scavenger Hunt

Try to find something that:

  • Brings a smile to your face
  • Symbolizes an act of kindness
  • Would make a friend Happy
  • You make use of every day
  • Reminds you of Nature’s beauty
  • Connects you to the present moment

Please check out my Cee’s Fun Foto Challenge to check out more of what this challenge is about.

Tips from Cee

I have recently started a Tips from Cee’s page, you many want to check it out every once in awhile.  You may pick up an idea or two for your own photography.

My entry for this week

Abandoned power plant along the Willamette River.

I’ve put together a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi (energy) hugs


59 replies »

  1. Woah, those are some pretty scary buildings. That poor house. Sadly, I’ve seen houses that bad in which people lived. No barns with people in them. II sometimes forget about the long-term effects of rain on Oregonian buildings. You never see ANY moss on my old barn pictures. Sorry, I’m super late with my entry, but this topic just called me. I’ll do this week’s story, which I’ve been looking forward to for weeks either Thursday or Sat. Have a great rest of your week. 🙂


  2. These are all fascinating photos and beautiful in their way. The power station is very intriguing. I suppose it will just fall down one day.


  3. Abandoned buildings definitely make interesting photography subjects. The first photo above is the one of yours I liked best! From the front, it’s not too bad, but from the other side, it looks like someone ran into it with their car!


    • It’s been shut down ever since we moved here. I really don’t know the history. There was also a paper plant there, they maybe connected somehow. 😀 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Great idea for shots and, of course, all beautifully taken. The recycler in me sees potential of another kind and the old power station is less hazardous if it was dismantled. But I don’t know if anyone does that.


    • There are plans on recycling it and cleaning up that area, and making a part and riverside area, it just hasn’t happened yet.


  5. Almost all the pictures I have of old falling down barns have since been renovated. The old mills were converted to senior housing or a business/shopping venue — or burned down. These days, they are knocking down the old wooden mills, but if it was built of stone or brick, it has been renovated for some other use. Many of those old mills are really quite beautiful with carved mahogany interiors and beautiful stonework. They make great apartments and have years long waiting lists.

    So, all my pictures of years old. None of those buildings are still standing in the condition they were when I took the photos. One was bulldozed. All the others have been renovated or converted.

    All of these places looked like your buildings, but I guess the value of old barns exceeds the repair costs.


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