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3 Favorites of 2022 – Lens-Artists

Here is my entry for guest host Sarah from Travel with Me blog, of the Lens-Artists Photo A Week Challenge with the topic of Picking Favorites.

On any given day, I can pick different favorites. For this week’s challenge, I chose my three favorites from 2022.

Red barn, tree, and hot air balloon. Near the tulip farm.
Amaryllis (one alive and in the lower portion, a dead shrived petal.
I showed a squared off version of this past week.

I’ve put together a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi (energy) hugs


37 replies »

  1. Interesting and beautiful choices. How wonderful that you could capture the barn with the hot-air balloon, and the leaves add even more to the composition. I still remember your photo of the moon and the clouds from before; this photo is one of my favorites too.


  2. Great idea to choose three from this year Cee 🙂 I love all of them but it was the barn that kept drawing me back for another look. There’s so much going on and yet the composition is so balanced that it doesn’t look too busy, especially the way the pattern near the top of the barn balances the positioning of the balloon 🙂


  3. Terrific choices Cee – love the barn with the balloon behind it. Also love the little dried flower with the one in bloom – excellent composition on that. And of course the beautiful sky. Well chosen for the week and good for you for limiting the time period, very smart!


  4. I like all three but the first one is so unique and then having the hot air balloon all small and in the distance added to the serene barn and tree with that red and green.


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