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Flower Favourites and Why? – Lens-Artists Photo Challenge

Here is my entry for Ann-Christine from Lens-Artists Photo A Week Challenge. 

My first favorite is a purple Tulip. Why you ask? It’s the first flower that I remember blooming when I lived along the shore of Lake Superior in Minnesota when I was little.

My all time favorite flower are dahlias. Why you ask? I didn’t realize when we moved to Canby, Oregon that it was the home of the largest dahlia farm in all of North and Central America. In most summers, the dahlia fields are a home away from home for me. I love the fields and dahlias are so photogenic in my opinion. The reason why dahlias come in so many colors, shapes and varieties is because dahlias are octoploids which means they have eight chromosomes. Most flowers have two sets of chromosomes.

Another favorite flower are bearded irises. Why you ask? I adore how majestic they are. They are difficult to photograph because they are long and thin. I believe I have mastered how to take a good photo.

Another of my favorite flowers, but I don’t get a chance to photograph them that often are water lilies and lotus flowers. Why you ask? They are always so photogenic and sometimes appear to look like a watercolor painting.

I’ve gathered a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi (energy) hugs


49 replies »

  1. I love your favourites Cee…your taste is exquisite. Coming from Asia, Tulups were like Goddess of flowers to me as Roses in the tropics are her maidens.Your photographs shows their delicate qualities.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I’m really glad you entered this challenge and gave reasons for each, as you are such an avid flower photographer. I loved the detail about the dahlias, too.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love the dahlias, and I have admired many of your stunning iris photos. The dahlias have such a fascinating structure. Thank you Cee for sharing your favorites with these superb photos.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I’ve been watching for your response this week Cee as I knew it would be a masterpiece and I was not disappointed. Your flower photography is incredible and I loved your choices for the challenge. I too love waterlilies, which I agree often do look like paintings. And of course I am insanely jealous of your dahlias! Absolutely gorgeous. Thanks so much for sharing them all with us.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Cee……thank you for giving us masterpieces of your work! Beautifully done with slides too. I don’t know how you make these images, but they almost make me swoon. I knew you would send these particular flowers, but maybe not all of them. I’ll say it again, you are the Queen of Flowerphotography.
    I can understand your reasons to why you love them. Childhood memories and photogeniquity. It is interesting how many bloggers mention childhood memories connected with the flowers.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Oh Cee….I just adore your flower photos and all of these took my breath away.
    I wish I could grow dahlias here, I just don’t have the knack even though my Grandfather had a garden bed that ran the length of the house full of Dahlias. Some were so tall he had to stake them to keep them upright.
    They always bring back happy memories 🤗❤

    Liked by 1 person

    • I’m so glad they bring back wonderful memories for you. When I grew dahlias I had to stake them (or should have). Swan Islands are so strong they don’t need staking even when they get to nearly 2 meters tall. There is a technique to cut them back young so the stems grow stronger. I have no clue what they do. 😀

      Liked by 2 people

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