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CMMC – November Pick a Topic from my Photo

Welcome to Cee’s Midweek Madness Challenge (CMMC), the topic is Pick Your Topic from My Photo below. Possible topics houseboat, floating house, house, boat, chair, lines, windows, door, trees, ladder, decks, flag, water, reflection, etc. What else can you come up with?

Have fun this week.

I hope you have a lot of fun playing in this challenge.  I look forward to seeing your entries for this weekly challenge. Most of all have fun with this challenge. Here is a link to CMMC Home page for more information.

Here are some upcoming topics:

  • November Alphabet T at the middle or end of a Word
  • November 5th Week – Truck or Tree
  • December Macro or close up
  • December Violet or White Color
  • December Pick a Topic from my Photo
  • December Alphabet V or W at the beginning of a word

Here is my entry for the week

reflection, trees, water, green
dock, reflection, lines
white, green, chair, tree, lines
floating houses, water, reflection, boat, trees

I’ve put together a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi hugs,


49 replies »

          • Ah. That explains a lot. Old houseboats actually WERE in the water and had all the same issues as regular boats. I admit, I haven’t kept up with the whole houseboat thing. You used to be able to drive them through canals and other inland waterways. Slowly. Speed was never their strong point. So now they are on rafts? I ‘ll have to look them up and see how they have progressed through the decades. Thanks for the info.


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