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March 27 – Share Your World

This is my entry for Di at Pensitivity101 hosts Share Your World and here is my response for the week.

1.  Do you have a lot of friends or do you know a lot of people? I’ve never had a lot of friends. When I worked I tend to have a lot of people I knew, but friends no. Some of those people would have done anything for me, if need be. But I quite or they quit working there, we never stayed in contact. Being an extreme introvert and growing up in an abusive household, I learned to kept to myself. Almost now to a point where it hurts. When Chris got sick, I was basically on my own. Now, if you talk about blogging friends throughout the world, you all brighten my day, every day of the year.

2.  If you are at a party and know very few of the guests, do you mingle and introduce yourself, sit on the sidelines and people watch, or discreetly leave? I sit on the sidelines and leave as soon as I can. Or play with pets, if there are any.

3.  What is the best job you have ever had? I was a sales admin for the Oregon, South Washington and Idaho sales team for Staples Business to Business team. I had a blast when I worked there.

4.  Can you swim? Yes. I don’t like the front crawl, could never get the breathing thing mastered. When I’m fit, I can swim backstroke forever though.


I’m so glad that Chris is doing real well. I don’t worry about her at all anymore. There shouldn’t be any rain today, that will be nice too.

I’ve put together a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi (energy) hugs


20 replies »

  1. Growing up in an abusive home — me too — changes you in fundamental ways that are hard to explain to people who grew up in more normal homes. You’re doing really well. Hell, we are ALL doing really well. Amazingly well.


  2. I am much the same with #2 now-a-days whereas younger me threw my hands in the air as if I didn’t care.
    Does writing with my “blog family” count as brightening my days? 🙂 🙂


  3. I love reading your responses to this challenge and getting to know you better. I’ve liked our video chats, too, which highlighted your huge skill set.


  4. I am glad you find support from your blogging friends. I think WordPress bloggers are a good group on the whole. Certainly much more positive and supportive than those on the Book of Faces!!!


  5. Hi Cee. Thanks for playing along and glad to hear Chris is doing well. I’m with you on playing with pets at a party……… I can hold my own in conversation, but get on better with dogs.


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