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Chris’s Re-birthday today

Sorry for my delays in responding to you this week. Today is the anniversary of Chris’s surgery last year. She is calling it her re-birthday. One year ago she was on an operating table fighting to stay alive. Today, she is doing super good and even walked a 1/2 mile on Sunday.

In particular this week, Chris has had a hard time sleeping due to memories and PTSD issues. So we’ve been up for hours during the night. I am exhausted from lack of sleep. So if I am slow to respond to you the next few days, please forgive me. I will eventually get caught up. Thanks for your patience.

Here is what happens to our cars if we don’t drive or clean them during the winter months. Chris took this photo on her half mile walk.

For the Love of Challenges

I’ve gathered a list of challenges and their hosts.  So if you know a challenge host, please direct them to my blog.  Feel free to contact me anytime.  I hope everyone will be able to use my lists.

Qi (energy) hugs


62 replies »

  1. Really hope things are now getting easier – the body does such a great job of remembering but it would be better if it didn’t sometimes!


    • That is so common when one suffers a life changing illness and so does their partners. Our lives were altered so the mental part is huge. Our bodies remember physical changes and as far as I know bodies don’t look at calendars. It’s a real thing we all must adjust to. I hope you were gentle and continue to be gentle with yourself. 


  2. I’m glad you don’t live on your blog, Cee, and you are taking care of Chris. You have had a lot on your plates the last few years. You deserve time off and we’ll be here when you are both back to feeling better. ❤️🙏


  3. Wow, she’s come so far, and so have you, Cee. A bit of a glitch in self care but what can you do? Neither of you will compare to that car in the driveway.


  4. I like the look of the car (in a photo, wouldn’t like it in my yard) but don’t you think Chris would deserve something a bit more pleasing? 😉 Anyway: I’m happy for both of you that it worked out well. And now from strength to strenght! 🤗


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