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It’s me Cee Again – in rehab

I’m still reading all the kind wishes you’ve sent me. I hang onto them for inspiration when I feel so isolated in my rehab room. Chris is here with me almost all day long, but it’s nice to remember that there is still a world of loving people out there. I miss all of you.

I’ve moved out of the hospital and into a rehabilitation facility where I can get physio therapy to rebuild the strength in my legs and working arm. My right arm is still in a soft cast and will be for another month or so. I think it’s healing well, though, because I can move my arm without much discomfort. But typing is still an issue because I’m right handed and hunting and pecking with my left takes a lot of time and energy, so that is why Chris is typing for me right now.

I was able to get up and into a wheel chair yesterday and was finally out in the sunshine for the first time in a month. The rehab facility has a lot of roses, so I was able to get some photos with my iPhone, resting it on my casted right arm and shooting with my left hand, so these aren’t some of my best photos. It was nice being outside.

Qi hugs Cee

89 replies »

  1. So good to hear that you’re on the mend Cee (and thanks for the update Chris) 😎👍 You’ll be wheelchair racing with the other inmates before you know it! 🤣 And back to blogging not long after 😀🙏


  2. I’m thinking of you, Cee. Glad you’re on the mend and under supervision. I’d be like you with the need to shoot a photo now and then.

    My android phone has a voice command for shooting photos. Yours does, I would think. Thanks for keeping us informed. Prayers for peace and healing for you both. 🙏 ❤️


  3. Awesome to hear that you’re on the mend, Cee 😃 & that you’ve been able to get out in the sun for a wee bit & capture some flowers 🌷 Hugz from Susan & I 🤗


  4. It’s lovely to hear from you Cee. I had been wondering how you were getting on. Being able to go outside and take pictures must feel wonderful after so long.

    I hope that you will soon be home with Chris. No matter how nice a rehab facility is it’s not like being at home.


  5. Love the roses! It was good to get an update. Hope your recovery continues to go smoothly, Good that you can have Chris close by! Take care! 🤗🌹


  6. It’s so good to hear from you!! Glad you were able to get outside to do what you do best!! I’m glad you have someone in your life to be so supportive.

    Take the time needed to heal and gain strength and we will be here when you get back!!


  7. Great to hear from you Cee – here’s wishing you a continuing recovery – I love the fact that you were still thinking of photos….


  8. If you are taking photos, it is a great step and shows your lovely to photography. Healing takes time and patience, but it is great to hear that you are on the mend. You’ll get there, there is many good and healing wishes sent to you. Take care!


  9. Great to hear from you again, Cee. Glad you’re on the move again, even if not exactly the way you would like. Take care and make the most of Chris’ secretarial skills 😉


  10. So good to hear you are now in rehab Cee and so lovely to see you can go outside and enjoy the flowers 🌺 Sending healing thoughts and love to you and Chris across the miles 💗


  11. Good to hear from you again! I was already a bit worried. Hope you will get well again
    PS: I like your left handed photos and the way you used your cast taking photos, showing that a real photographer cannot be stopped 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  12. So happy to hear from you. Normally, I show my husband my photos but I don’t tell him too much about other bloggers. We were on a longish drive yesterday and I told him about your absence and that I was worried about not having heard how you were doing. Well, wishes answered! Although I’m wishing for a speedy recovery for you, my advice is to take your time. Consider it a holiday at the rehab facility and give your body the time it needs. Re: Typing – you could use what we call eagle-search-system (the German word for eagle used to be a manufacturer or typewriters): circling & STRIKE! 😉 (that used to be joke for somebody who was slow in typing and had to look for the location of letters each time anew)

    Liked by 1 person

  13. I’m so glad to hear from you. There may be no place like home, but I guess right now the rehab centre has everything you need to get well. With Chris coming every day, that really is everything and everyone. Be gentle with yourself and your photography. I hope Chris is doing ok, too.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. So glad to hear from you, Cee! Hope you are making progress everyday. Love your iPhone photos. You and Chris are in my prayers. Thank you for the update and beautiful flower photos!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Wow, what a difficult year you are having! Garry is recovering from HIS surgery and I’m still getting through my recovery — taking a lot longer than I ever imagined. I’m glad you are able to take pictures. I was taking pictures from my hospital bed too. We really ARE incorrigible. I’m just glad that you WANT to take pictures! Keep getting better. I really miss you a LOT.

    Liked by 1 person

  16. So good to hear from you, Cee. Getting out into the sunshine must have felt wonderful. Hospital, rehab, next stop–home. Take care and continue healing well. 😘

    Liked by 1 person

  17. I’m glad you’re on the mend. So happy you were/ hopefully are able to get outside sometimes and enjoy the sunshine 🌞. I’ve been thinking and praying for you. Praying for your recovery, healing, strength & comfort. May our words bring you comfort and joy. Miss you & your lovely posts, flowers, encouragement.

    Liked by 1 person

  18. Thanks for the update, Cee. I’m glad to hear you’ve been out in the sun. I hope your recovery continues, and be certain that you and Chris remain in our prayers. Thsnks got thinking of us and sharing this.

    Liked by 2 people

  19. Oh dear oh dear, dear Cee I’m sorry to be slow to wish you rapid healing. I’m out of the loop.
    Sorry for what you are going through. Glad Chris is there with you. The flowers are gorgeous. ❤️to you and Chris too.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. So good to hear that your healing is progressing. You did well with your phone and left hand. I think a photographer will find some way to take a picture! I’m missing your photos–flowers especially. I hope you get home soon.

    Liked by 1 person

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