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  2. It is lovely to meet you at long last. Many of my followers participate in your challenges and brighten my life. I, too, am a ‘healer’ and worked in mental health. Looking forward to browsing your blog.


  3. Your Fun Foto Challenge brought me here after I was browsing for some blog photography challenges on WordPress and I’m very happy to have come across someone like you. Your awesome photos and your “About Me” story really inspired me. I’m looking forward to seeing more of your beautiful photos!


  4. Hi! I just wanted to thank you for liking my post! Now that I got a look at your blog, I love your photos. I mean, I attempt to snap pics now and then myself, but I’m a novice compared to your crisp and vibrant photos. I’m very impressed about your great resiliency to be the best photographer you can be. Keep up the good work!


  5. Hello Cee, I’ve seen reference to your photo challenges on some other blogs I follow, so it is so nice to finally come across your site. You take great photos. I’m a T1D and INFP too. Now that must be a fairly rare combination, haha. I also have a friend who thinks I should take up Qigong, but I am still resisting. It’s a time thing. 🙂 I’m just a happy snapper with my little phone. I like to look for an interesting angle and collect photos to use as a basis for my mosaic art. I look forward to seeing more of your photos. Thank you.


  6. Hi Cee. I have nominated you for a Mystery Blogger Award. Okoto Enigma @ okotoenigmasblog created the award to recognise the many amazing blogs out there. So, it ”is an award for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging, and they do it with so much love and passion” (– Okoto Enigma). There is no obligation to take part, but if you wish to participate, please check out The Mystery Blogger Award nomination post on my blog. 🙂


  7. Hi I have just started blogging on my sisters two sites. I was exploring and found the word “challenge” I thought what fun and asked her about it. She pointed me in your direction. In the past I had horrible luck with cameras and one nearly went in the ocean. I actually gave up on them and photography went in the too hard basket. I eventually got a point and shoot camera which I keep on auto. I enjoy using it and it is small enough to go in my bag or pocket. I found I can still take some nice photos with it and it has given me some confidence. Your challenges along with my sister’s blog has got me interested in this hobby again. You are right in what you say. The main thing is to have fun and enjoy yourself.


    • Thanks so very much for popping by. I’m so happy you are getting back into photography. Just have fun. Try taking photos of everything you see. The more photos you take the better your eye will get and it won’t seem to complicated. I used Auto for a lot of years and still do on occasion if I don’t want to think about what settings to use for this photo. Cameras a pretty intuitive for the most part. I would love to have you play in some of my challenges. I look forward to seeing some of your work.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Hello ,my name is em, You have lovely Blog,i really like Tour way You see world ,visit me in free time and please let me know do You like mine world too , i sit by the window now ,Bless


  9. I managed to find your blog since you give like to my photoblog. Then I became so curious about you. I like your knowledge sharing on photography. After reading your “About me “, I was surprised that you did a good job in blogging and photography.

    I wish you a good luck for your endeavour with the qigong master.



  10. Wow, I must confess that this is the first time I have read “About Cee”, in full, and I am truly amazed by your encounter with Lyme’s disease, and your recovery, albeit on going. No sure about the time span, you made reference 2014, so if I am right that’s 2 years gone, and my hope is that your recovery has progressed for the good. Long may you continue to host all the challenges, best wishes, take care,


    • Hi Mick, your post is so beautiful. Yes it was written (the last bit) a couple of years ago. I am continuing to recover and am slowly getting my body back. The best part is I am so engaged in life now. Making plans and dreaming again. I am happy. What more can anyone ask for. Life is good. Thanks for your comment.


  11. I am inspired by your journey and how you contribute to others through your blog. I recently started taking Qigong classes and find this practice immensely healing. Thank you for your flowers.


  12. I really love all your photo’s and challenges, and the one’s that Life seems to throw at us, unexpected. Know that you are blessed by blessing us all in each of your daily writings, and photo’s. Jackie Paulson “)


  13. That’s quite the story Cee. I must say i can’t shake the thought that i know this story. Not this exact same story you share here, but i do recognize the outskirts of the ‘traditional’ healer story. Is there a traditional story anyway? Anyway, what it reminded me of goes something like this:
    First you have to go through a personal ordeal, a personal episode of deep and prolonged suffering from which you are healed. And from then on you are fit to start sharing the gift of this personal Odyssey in the shape of healing others.
    Don’t know if this resonates with you. And i don’t want to downtalk what you went through as it must have been quite the ride. I’m only happy that by the help of the Master Qigong healer you came through and are able to share your story and start a new journey as well 🙂

    Thanks for the follow up and nice to see you in the One photo focus too. This time was my first, fun to do 🙂

    Kind regards (another INFP i guess)

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes it does resonate with me. If you let it life is such a fun journey and takes us so many different directions. It is so fun to explore and be a part of. Your photography and writing sure expresses that. Glad we met through One Photo Focus.

      Liked by 1 person

  14. Thanks for coming over to my site, Cee. We have a lot in common. We both love photography, are INFPs and have Lyme Disease. I am a different person with a camera. It is almost like meditation.
    I love all your tips here on your site, and I would love to do a challenge one of these days. Nice to meet you!


  15. 40-day comma sounds very tough to me and I’m glad you have recovered well. You are very inspirational, plus you are an introvert too like myself so I’m really glad to meet you. I’ve been reading this late the term “Aperture”… What exactly that is in photography, if I may ask? 🙂 and oh, hello again! 🙂


  16. All these years that I’ve been following you and I can’t believe I’ve never checked out your about page. Thanks to Marsha Lee I found it (not that it was hard to find) and discovered that you are an INFP. I’ve had the test done twice and both times I came out an ENFP.


  17. I don’t know why I’ve never read this before. I’m completely moved by you sharing yourself! I’m so glad you’ve healed from your Lyme’s…well almost it seems. 🙂 I saw a healer for awhile after I was recovering from all my surgeries and it was nothing short of miraculous. Some people are gifted to heal others and I’m so glad you found your calling! Maybe one day I’ll participate in a challenge! lol


  18. Hi Cee nice to meet you my name is Carolina I am an Artist Designer I design unique jewelry inspired by nature. I love to express my creativity in many ways! My art and creativity extends to Digital Art, Watercolor Painting, Illustration, Photo manipulation, Poetry and more. Photography is one of my dear passion I am an “amateur” and when I am not holding a pencil or brushes I take photos, I am saving for a camera, my photos at the moment are from phone and iPad which is challenging but some of the result are pretty nice. I take photos from my jewelry to landscapes, I love sunsets and I love to capture the moment! And here your Blog is precious!!! I Follow you now! I hope that you will visit me at and follow back so that we can stay connected! I leave you my today post which is about one of my photos
    I hope you find it interesting!

    Btw Qigong is an amazing art! Great for you to start class!
    I am interested in that, more I read about it and more I think it’s the way to go! ❤
    I believe in nature power and the power within myself.

    Qi hugs to you too 😉



    • I saw you wrote yesterday and took a quick look at your blog. I find it quite interesting. I am now following it. Thanks so much for writing. Please join in on my challenges, it is for people with all cameras and at all levels. I use my cell phone every once in a while so be be bashful. 😀

      Qigong literally saved my life. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  19. Hi Cee, thanks a million for following OMBH. I’m really chuffed that you find my blog interesting enough so I hope you’ll find a smile or two when you visit. I’ve long been eyeing your challenges and must get going one one or two. Thanks again!! 😉


  20. Hi Cee, What a beautiful space you’ve created. Wish I had found your blog earlier. Nevertheless, I look forward to following you as you continue on your very inspiring journey. Cheers from an ordinary woman living in Melbourne Australia who loves her family, animals, travel, photography and life in general.


  21. I seem to follow a lot of people who partake in your challenges, or at least share them, so I thought I’d join them. I’m a writer, so I won’t pretend to know what all that photography terminology is about, lol, but I do take pictures.
    Anyway, I look forward to your posts 🙂


    • All you have to do is create a post and link it to my post for that specific challenge. In the comment area of my post you can simply add your URL so I have a link to your post. I’d love to have you participation my challenges there are a a lot of great people who do.

      Liked by 1 person

  22. Nice to find your photography blog today. I love to follow lots of photographers and I try to do a bit of photography myself but I’m just starting! Mainly I write. My blog is about my writing journey, my love of all things creative. I’d love it if you stop by and say hi. 🙂


  23. Hey, Cee! I have been nominated in a challenge to post my three favorite quotes, one each for three consecutive days. With each post I have to nominate three bloggers for the challenge. I took the liberty of nominating you. No obligation, of course! But if you feel like it, please join the fun. You will have to recognize the blogger who nominated you 🙂 and of course nominate others. I just glanced at the post above and realized someone else has also nominated you. I hope you join and have a kick out of it! Here’s the post, where I nominated you:


  24. Hello! I was introduced to your blog this morning by the Berryduchess. I am trying to get back into photography, so the timing is good. I also live in Oregon and some of the other commentary in your about page interests me too. I’ll be following along…thanks!


  25. Hi Cee,

    I’m so happy that you have followed my blog – you take some amazing photos so I feel kind of humbled that you enjoy mine enough to follow 🙂
    I am going to return the favour so that I never miss out on your updates, and I need to start challenging myself with more black and white photos – it’s time for me to join the black and white challenge on Thursdays! I’ll be seeing you 🙂


  26. Hi Cee,
    I came by to your blog while following your like on a post of mine, and I am amazed to see that your blog is almost what I have in my mind for my blog to grow and become eventually. Loved the way you have described the photos, and the helpful links all around. Loved your work, and shall be following too.
    Do have a look at my other works too, and please feel free to give some advice too 🙂
    Take care,


  27. Hi Cee, I hadn’t yet visited your about page. It was good to know more about you, your life story, and I became very curious about the therapy that healed you. Thanks for sharing that. It is an impressive recovery.
    I commend you for what you are doing with your blog and once more confirm that I love participating in your challenges and learning from you.


    • Thanks Lucile for reading my about page. I was healed through Tradition Chinese Medicine, basically through a qigong master. She is still working on me and I just keep getting more and more of myself back. If you want to know more feel free to contact me. Thanks 🙂


  28. Hi Cee, Thank you for following my photography blog, Jane’s Lens. I hope you are inspired as much as I am by your story. You sure have made a positive impact in the blogging world.


  29. From one INFP to another, it’s been a wonderful exploration during my “start up” phase of photography to get beautifully lost in your blog. Your “story” is inspiring, your critique invaluable. Stay “focused.” Enjoy today.


  30. Hey Cee, You have a wonderful blog here. And you are even more wonderful than your blog. How courageous…how positive and how humble! Seeing that you are such an awesome photographer with such a huge fan following, I can’t thank you enough for stopping by my blog and liking my immature photos.
    P.S- I thought you to be a girl…ha ha


  31. When I included you in my list of blogs that inspire me, Cee, I REALLY meant it. Literally! As proven by my ongoing contributions to your Fun Foto and Which Way Challenges.

    I’m sure others have already nominated you multiple times for a Very Inspirational Blogger Award in the past, but it never harms to tell someone that we appreciate them! 🙂


  32. I hope you and Chris have a Happy Holiday & Happy New Year. I’ve enjoyed your blog and especially those challenges. Can’t wait to see what you come up with in 2015


  33. That was such a powerful “About” page entry. You are also very good at writing, you didn’t mention that 😉 I’m glad I found your blog. Your strength and faith in healing are both refreshing and inspiring.


  34. I’m an introvert as well and my personality according to Myers-Briggs is INFJ. I have RA and trying to cope with day to day challenge of living with the condition. Thank you for taking time to like my photos. Perhaps when time allows, you can tell me how to participate in your photo challenges. If it’s for professionals only, I would understand.


    • My challenges are open to everyone. I just want my challenges to be a place for people to have fun. I would love it if you would participate. All you have to do is create a post and link it to the challenge either in the comments or through a ping back. I usually do both when I enter challenges.. 🙂


      • Thank you for clarifying that. I will peruse your blog properly after I sleep to learn more about the challenges and to view your wonderful pictures with fresh eyes.
        Till then and have a lovely evening!


  35. Thank you for the like on my blog. I am brand new to blogging and appreciate the encouragement very much. I am happy to read that you continue to recover from Lyme disease! Wishing you many blessings 🙂


  36. I love your photographs, tips, and positive outlook! And, thank you ever so much for following my blog; your attention means a lot to this beginning photographer. — from another introvert 😉


  37. Hey, the first few words! That’s almost the same thing that I wrote about my affair with photography! Well its good to meet you. You have awesome photographs here. I have to follow!


  38. Hi, Cee. I wanted to let you know that I’ve nominated you for a Very Inspiring Blog Award. Your blog and your beautiful photos are a great source of inspiration and entertainment for me, and I wanted to thank you. However, these awards are a bit time consuming, so if you’re too busy to play along, I won’t take it personally. Honestly, it took me the better part of yesterday to get the acceptance post together. Either way, consider this a fan letter!


  39. Hi Cee
    I’ve nominated you for an award. Wonderful team membership reader award.

    It’s up to you if you’d like it but it’s basically a thank you for your support! Your my latest choice as I haven’t known your blog long but I like what you are doing here.


  40. Hi Cee, Great to get in touch 🙂 Lovely photographs..Thanks for sharing “Three’s cooking” blog, I am always on a look out for healthy recipes for my son whose immunity is kind of low and often suffer due to that.


  41. Thank you so much for the follow! It’s so nice to find like-minded people on this path. Your work is really beautiful and I’m enjoying looking through all the photo challenges. I’ll have to hop on one soon! All the best to you.


  42. Hi Cee. I just wanted to let you know that I nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. This community is all about the connections we make, and the support we give to one another. Thanks for being an inspiration.


  43. Hi Cee!
    Thanks for following. I’m a happy camper now you are joining me as I trip around by RV, plane, car and time machine to the past.
    Comments, compliments, critiques and wisecracks are most welcome.
    I have just started doing some photo challenges and very much enjoy them. I’l try to fit yours in too! Hope to “see” you again soon.
    Which Way Now 101 aka Carol


  44. I can certainly relate to the first two sentences, I notice a big difference when I’m in a “photographic” state of mind, a sense of peace washes over me. I though it was just me:)

    where did you find that you’re a healer type? was that from myers briggs?


  45. Hi, Cee. Thank you ver much for following my blog. I really like your blog, too. As an amateur in photography, here, I can find tips and lesson and there are many challenges to deal with. Again, thank you!


  46. Cee, I am honored that you stopped by my blog. Thanks so much for your “likes” and your “follow.” I’ve been enjoying browsing through your amazing site, soaking up the never-ending support you give to those who have chosen to embark on the wonderful adventure of blogging. You are truly an inspiration. Now, I just have to figure out which challenge(s) I want to try 🙂


  47. I love biographies!! Yours is very interesting!!. What a terrible illness and I’m so glad you have had a healing. I do some moderate qi qong along with yoga. Your challenges I’m sure encourage many people to get out and photograph even if they are introverts lol.!! You are inspiring.
    I am a bit like the above poster regarding joining clubs etc. I’m quite the loner. I guess. I thought I was INFP like you but did the longer one twice and it was ISFP both times – so I guess that’s where I stand.


  48. (The following was written as a comment on Chris Donner’s blog 61 Musings I wanted to share it with others who might not visit there.) I have never been a member of a club. My personal motto is, and has always been, “I refuse to join any club that would have me as a member.” (attributed to Groucho Marx). [This blog] feels a lot like a club, but one I don’t mind belonging to, one whose members respect my quirks, my stubbornness my spontaneity (OK, rare, perhaps, but when I get a mind to do something nobody better say I can’t). Is that last one a universal trait of introverts? I’m not sure. But it’s one of mine, Right now I have an urge to join another club- one I’m sure already has quite a few members even if they don”t realize it. The Donner-Neuner Club, led by two wonderful women who help me (and probably a lot of others) realize my potential with their outlook and their support- both artistically and personally. But I refuse to stand up in front of the room and say “Hi, I’m Emilio. I’m an introvert”. Too much like AA!


    • Chris told me about your comment early this morning. You are certainly part of a group of people I admire and want in my sphere of life. I’m with you, it does sound to much like AA. I’m for all of us being I’m human, which should be understood and accepted. To bad it isn’t most of the time. People should be allowed to be people and themselves. If I vibe with you all the better, if I don’t we won’t intrude on our uniqueness.


  49. Hi Cee. Thanks for your likes. Like you, I just love getting out to take photos, and have done since my teens and used my dad’s Minolta X2. Luckily I started working for a photographic lab (cheap film, cheap processing) that handled Minolta business equipment – and the RD175 DSLR. I am looking forward to your future posts, and browsing through past ones. Happy to hear you are better. Happy days to you and Chris.


  50. Hi Cee, thanks for dropping by and thanks for the follow. Interesting to read about your story and how you were helped by a Qigong healer. I’ve been doing a project on Qigong over the last 9 months or so and apart from a truckload of photos, my knees that were pronounced as ‘finished’ by school medicine are now in good running order and an old sports injury in my shoulder seems to have vanished. And it’s just a bit of Qigong. Magic.


  51. You are a very fortunate person that Allah shower his blessing on you and given you a new life after 40 days coma and recovered you from the disease. You are a strong person as well , because you fight back and kept your moral high to reach a healthy life. I always respect a person like you , who spread happiness and encourage others to live life with courage.
    May Allah bless you and your loved ones. Ameen
    Take care


  52. I am here to say thanks for following a new blogger and for always stopping by my blog to like my posts, they are such an encouragement.


  53. Hello, Cee. You have such an inspiring story and show such strength and courage. I really appreciate you introducing yourself because I can easily relate to your personality traits, as I am a fellow healer and introvert! I’m also very interested to learn more about your journey of becoming a qigong master. Personally, I’ve experienced a profound improvement in my health since practicing Tai Chi, so I’m really excited to become better acquainted with qigong from your experiences. I greatly appreciate your stunning photographs and this magnificent blog!


  54. Hello Cee, I am very happy I was able to discover your site. Not only are your photos beautiful (and you provide such helpful information/tips on photography) but your story is inspiring. Thank you for following my simple blog, and you can be sure I will visit your site often. Best wishes from Japan! (from Takami)


  55. habilitation
    “Learning to live as we are”
    I have to remember this. Sounds great! 🙂
    Cee, I am especially interested in what you say about healers.
    “Just this past month I have started classes to become a qigong teacher and eventually a healer. It will take at least six years to become a healer. I’m just starting that journey.”
    I think this is wonderful that you started this journey. I have not yet read your blog about Lyme disease, but I think you might be interested to read Dr.Mercola’s blog about Vitamin D and the importance of sun on your skin. Here it is:
    Cheers, Aunty Uta


  56. Thanks for stopping by and liking my blog today. Your photography is beautiful and I will be back to see more. Take care with that Lyme Disease, heard how awful it can be.


  57. This is a sensitive update. We in the Healing Garden admire your adaptability. We are especially fond of habilitation. This is learning to live as we are. Which is different than rehabilitation. Learning to live again. We prefer getting on with living in the moment the first time. — THGg


    • Thanks so much for stopping and taking the time to comment. I doubt if I will ever get my body all the way back. Some things will be better and other things have just been too damaged. So I totally understand about habitation. I like your use of the word.


  58. I’m one of the quietest people you will know…unless of course we talk about photography or something I’m comfortable with. Thanks so much for stopping by. Hope your trouble with my blog goes away.


  59. This new update ‘About’ page is a very enjoyable read.
    I’d never imagine you as shy or introverted. I hope all of
    your goals are achieved. It looks like your doing them quite
    Hopefully, my blog will be able to connect with yours as I’ve
    had trouble with that in the past. I think your photography is
    outstanding and your new Quigong will be too.
    Thanks for alway popping a ‘Like’ on my blog.


  60. I like your new About page. It’s convinced me that I need to pay attention to you Three’s Cooking blob. I’m so glad that you are doing so much better. Well wishes on your journey to becoming a qigong teacher and healer.
    Thank you for always stopping by my blog and for following and the many likes and your challenges. You are an awesome person!


  61. Cee-thank you so much for visiting Move the Chair and following. I appreciate you taking the time to look. I love your work, I admire your output and the creativity you put into the challenges-and I look forward to seeing more of your work-


  62. Dear Cee
    I’d like to express deep appreciation for taking some time repetetly to watch and to my honour quite frequently have to come to like the output I’m producing.
    This is very encouraging, thanks


  63. Hi Cee..thanks for stopping by “Unwalled”….I’m happy that my latest post “Cutting Truth to Shake Your World” was a blessing to you….feel free to stop by again…..blessings, Kim


  64. Hey 🙂 thanks for visiting my blog – I like all your photos and I’d like to take part in one of your fun challenges one week too. I’ll post a link when I do 🙂 I’m also very into photography.


  65. Dear Cee, thanks for the follow. I enjoy visiting your site – dropping by on and off through the months. Three’s Cooking looks interesting too. Wishing you much strength in your battle against Lyme’s


  66. Thank you for the follow, Cee. I love your photography and look forward to seeing more. Best of luck battling that darn lyme disease, your story is terrifying and inspiring at the same time.


  67. Wow, Cee! I came on your blog to tell you that your pictures are beautiful and you are doing such a great job. Thank you for always “liking” my Weekly Photo Challenge pictures as well. After I read your About page, I found out that you also suffer from Lyme Disease. I can’t believe it, but one of my friends is currently fighting through Lyme Disease too! She’s in a terrible state and in the last stage of the disease. Have you found any treatments that work for you? Can you recommend any? Maybe you can e-mail me at Talk to you soon.



  68. Cee, thank you so much for the follow, you live in a beautiful part of the world there. If you have any requests or suggestions on my own blog then please just let me know and welcome aboard. MM 🍀


  69. Thank you Cee for visiting my blog. You have a wonderful blog and I really like your photo work, your photo challenges are intriguing too. I wish I have more time to join in them! I’m following Chris’ posts too, it is great that you both have a common blogging interest, your works are inspiring.


  70. Thanks for following my blog Cee. I’m so pleased you brought me to your amazing, energizing blog with lots of lovely challenges. I also admire you for writing about your horrifying experience of having Lymes and your brave recovery. 🙂


  71. Thanks, cee, for visiting my blogs so often recently, and for following. I admire the time and energy you clearly devote to all you do in WordPress, never mind the rest of life!


  72. Thanks for the support and likes on my blog. It’s nice when someone who knows Denver like you do enjoys my pictures and blog. You sure have some gorgeous pictures here and I know I’ll be back to “learn” from your skills and enjoy your world through your lens!


  73. Hi Cee, thanks for following my blog, hope i would be able to make it worth it, sorry to learn about the lyme problem, but, i really appreciate your spirit to take life in its stride, will remember you in my prayers. Regards and best wishes, M. Bheri


  74. Hi Cee, what a lovely surprise I got this morning. Thank you for following my blog and I really enjoy your Fun foto challenges. Keep them coming! Best wishes, Zainab


  75. Hi Cee! This WordPress thing is turning out to be more social than I thought it would be — glad to make your acquaintance, and thanks for following! I’ve been looking at your and Chris’s blogs for the last hour — inspiring stories, great writing, beautiful photos, yummy recipes. My Facebook friends are all going to think I’ve been brainwashed, because I’ve shared so much of your stuff already!


  76. Hi Cee.
    We sincerely appreciate that you have stopped by my blog.
    Thanks for following and leave a likes.
    Congratulations on your wonderful blog.
    Greetings an Argentine in Morocco. 🙂


  77. hi, Cee:)) you have a great blog and I like your photography very much, I’m definitely joining in and will be following you:))


  78. Thanks so much for following my blog, Oh, the Places We See. It’s been a great pleasure to view your photography and see how your challenges unfold. You are to be commended for involving so many bloggers in fun, exciting ways. I look forward to more of your publications. And thanks again for putting me on your list!


    • I actually have been following you. I am unfollowing/following again everyone. I used to use email before and I have just discovered how the ease of WP reader. That is the easiest way for me to fix it the way I want. It was good to see some Abraham/Hicks from you.


  79. I feel for your brother…and your entire family for I know how Lymes drains everyone around. I’m glad you have a new camera and I hope you have a lot of fun just playing with it and have fun. Take lots of photos of anything you can dream of. Memory is cheap and you will develop your own style and eye for photography.


  80. Cee, thanks for visiting and following my blog. I’m sorry to hear about your Lyme Disease. My older brother suffered similarly and it took them years to diagnose him. In the meantime, he has a lot of damage from it, so I really feel for you. But on a cheery note, I love your blog and photos. Now that I’m starting to learn about my new Christmas camera (Nikon D3200), I hope to participate in more of your challenges! It really makes photography fun and it will keep me learning. Your area where you live sounds wonderful. I’m just a person who needs the sunshine, ergo Florida. But I really miss more greenery. Oh, dear, I haven’t found Utopia yet! Wishing you a happy, healthy, prosperous New Year! 🙂


  81. I have been following Rainbow Bakery and I thought you were the same person. I am relatively new to WordPress and just trying to figure it out. I guess I saw your posts on her blog. I am going to follow yours for sure. I like photography as well, and I like the fact that you don’t spend a huge amount of time post processing. I was thinking of getting Aperture myself.


    • If you don’t do a lot of post processing for (example change backgrounds, colors of objects in your photos) you will adore Aperture. I usually spend less than 2 minutes fixing up my stuff. Thanks so much for stopping by. I just found you as well.


  82. Finally decided to “follow” you since I saw so many references to your photo challenges. Sorry to hear about your Lyme Disease – have you read anything by Stephen Buehner on his Lyme control protocols? He is a plant whiz and has impressive plant healing knowledge; published about 18 books or so…

    Liked by 1 person

  83. Hello! Gemma just informed that you live in Oregon. We are looking to move there after our house sells. I have been looking online for houses in various communities. I look for quaint and quiet… I will have to look up Canby. We have four cats. Our tabby is Riley. She is the youngest and a real cutie..

    Liked by 1 person

    • Hi Roberta,
      Gemma is a sweetheart. Canby is south of Portland so you are out of the big city mentality. We are a self-sustaining city of around 15,000. The older areas are very quiet and quaint, which is actually most of the city. The weather here is slightly warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer because we are in a part called the Willamette Valley. There are tons of plant and flower nurseries and tree farms all around. The Willamette Valley is also know for it’s wine industry. So if wine is your thing you would have a lot of fun. We also grow hops (for beer) here and hazelnuts. It’s beautiful. I love it.

      Liked by 1 person

  84. Thanks for taking a look at my blog. I’m glad you liked my photo of the horizon for the weekly photo challenge.
    You have some gorgeous photos!
    I’m just learning both blogging and photography, I hope I can get some good tips from you. 😉

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  85. So you decided to join the small clan of Uncle Spike followers Cee…. That makes me a happy blogger now – I really appreciate you making that special mouse click.

    Hope you like my upcoming posts and if you get bored one day, maybe you’ll enjoy trawling through some of my older stuff too.

    If you have any likes, dislikes or suggestions about my blog, just let me know, either through ‘comments’ or via email. Always welcome reader input 🙂

    Have a great old day…


    Liked by 2 people

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