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WP Weekly Photo Challenge: Serenity

Here is my entry for this week’s Word Press’s Weekly Photo Challenge with the topic Serenity.   Serenity to me is when I can feel my mind gently relax or become blissful without a lot of thought.  I’m like that a lot in my life. I hope you enjoy my selection for this week..  Have a great week everyone!

A running water fountain always gets me in a nice serene place.

A running water fountain always gets me in a nice serene place.

Watching a cat sleep is always serene.

Watching a cat sleep is always serene.  Freddie asleep on Chris’s chair in m office.

Anytime I am at the beach, whether it is peace and calm or stormy, just watching the waves I feel serenity pass through me.

Anytime I am at the beach, whether it is peace and calm or stormy, just watching the waves I feel serenity pass through me.

Lotus flowers are always serene and soothing.

Lotus flowers are always serene and soothing.

Qi (energy) hugs,


73 replies »

  1. Love the kitty sleeping and all of your photos here are so peaceful and serene. For me sitting by the water with the window down n the car is peace.


  2. Watching a cat sleep is always relaxing and calming. Until, of course another cat comes to play or the dog decides to poke it awake. Then it’s time for laughter!



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