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Daily Post: A Moment In Time

Today’s Daily Post topic is A Moment In Time:  What was the last picture you took? Tell us the story behind it. (No story behind the photo? Make one up, or choose the last picture you took that had one.

Yesterday at Al’s Nursery, I was just about finished taking photos.  I just had to stop at their shopping carts to take my annual photos of their carts.  I wasn’t sure where Chris was, but I heard her voice in the background as she walked toward me “There you are taking photos of those carts again.”

Yes I take these carts at least on a yearly basis.  I think they are cool, but I’ve never been happy with the photos.  I just haven’t found a perspective I like.  I’m definitely missing something here.

Over the next few days I will be posting some new flower photos that I was able to take on this trip.

Here is the photo I took yesterday, with the aperture wide open so you can actually see the trees and the end of the gardens.  I like the raindrops on the handles.  I did add a little yellow to this so the trees in the background would show up a little brighter.

012015last photo_1

Here is a photo I took back in 2012 with a fixed 105 macro lens.  I kept this a little bit on the cooler side, since It showed the shiny metal so well.

012015last photo_2

Qi (energy) hugs


22 replies »

  1. They are both fun photos that show the same thing differently. I do like the current one where you can see into the distance and the raindrops are a plus, too.


  2. great perspective in the photo. It takes a great photography to take something mundane and create depth.


  3. Interesting. I have a few of those taken in my local supermarket. I seem to live in the supermarket. Each photo seems to have something different.


    • Actually I have posted one or two over the years in black and white. I just wanted to play with the color today. Guess I didn’t want gray. 🙂 🙂 Thanks Marilyn.


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