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WP Weekly Photo Challenge: Express Yourself

Here is my entry for this week’s Word Press’s Weekly Photo Challenge with the topic Express Yourself.  I hope you enjoy my selection for this week.  I know you have seen all of these before, but here is a sampling of what I think expresses me. Have a great week everyone!

A painter expressing herself at the dahlia farm.

A painter expressing herself at the dahlia farm.

Shadow with her little tongue.

Shadow with her little tongue and keeping an eye out on what I am doing.  Wondering if I have food in my hand.

My favorite bridge on a foggy morning.  Astoria Megler Bridge.

My favorite bridge on a foggy morning. Astoria Megler Bridge.

My love of odd ball photography.

My love of odd ball photography.

Tulip farm.  This photo is an expression of itself, but I could picture me being that  young child looking at the flowers.

Tulip farm. This photo is an expression of itself, but I could picture me being that young child looking at the flowers.

Qi (energy) hugs,


90 replies »

  1. Well Cee I was thinking about expressing myself and I noticed on my reader you had taken the challenge so I came to see.. I like what you have done for the challenge. Love the top click, Shadow, and the roll of TP! Hope that TP is over and not under.. 😉 Good Morning! Hoping to be back with SYW now that we are back from vacation.


  2. Your love of oddball photography? I was afraid that photo meant your love of toilet paper. And I had a whole slew of questions. 🙂


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