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Beautiful Day for Goats

Chris and I went out for breakfast today and then went to Bauman’s Farms to visit the goats and chickens.  Here are a couple of photos from our adventure.  The weather today is windy, but blue skies and sunny.  Currently our temperature is a balmy 62 degrees.








Qi (energy) hugs


45 replies »

  1. 62 F, that’s 17°C – Most of our days in Winter are between 10 and 13°C. When we start to see 17s we know we are turning the corner. It’s been a coolish summer here with a lot of days in the low 20s (70 – 75 F) I am thankful for it; I hate the big heat. We are in for some low 30° (90F) days this weekend so off to the beach. Cute goats!


  2. Beautiful pics! Just in time too as Feb 19th is the 1st day of the Lunar New Year and it will the Year of the Goat or Sheep (羊 yang), both using the same word. Notice the 2 little horns in the character 🙂


    • I knew it was the new year on the 19th….I also knew it was the year of the Goat or Sheep, I just didn’t put it together with these photos. Wonderful for you to remind me. Thanks 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. I would love to see something other than ice and snow. This is just depressing. I love goats, by the way. They breed the minis around here and I always wanted a couple of those little ones. They are smart, funny, and cute as the devil.


    • They are cute that is for sure. I have just found out that I have some tulips in bloom in my yard!!! Yippee!!!!! That is a month early, but this particular variety is super early bloomers.


  4. Great Goats!! I need to be wherever you are because it is 22 degrees in New York City with the wind chill factor feels like 16 degrees. I’m tired of wearing all these clothes!! I would not mind spending time with the billy goats as long as they don’t poke me with their horns!! LOL!! Love all your photos!


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