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ABFriday Challenge: Week 46

I finally got some time to participate in Stacy’s After Before Friday challenge.  Go check out and see what other bloggers are having fun with.

I took this candid photo earlier last month at Wooden Shoe Tulip Farm near Woodburn, Oregon.  Here is my original photo.

042115ABFriday original

I really liked it pretty much as it was.  Here are a few of the edits I made.

  • I cropped it a little bit not the left side and bottom.  The left side to make it closer to the rule of thirds.  And the bottom to get rid of the little sweater she was carrying.
  • I edited out the remaining part of the sweater.
  • Then I did  some standard tweaking of clarity and vibrance.
  • Then I added a soft glow and some blur in the background through Color FX Pro 4.
  • I hope you like what I have done this week.  ENJOY.


ABFriday-AfterQi (energy) hugs


20 replies »

  1. Love the golden light the vibrance adjustment brought to her face, Cee, and the blur adds a wonderful “romantic” feel to the image. Simple, yet very powerful, changes!


  2. Nice crop and love the warmth you have brought to it. I really like all the “negative” space in the top right, it kind of looks like a painting.


  3. I really like the blur vignette that yu have created, kinda of reminds me of using a lens when one of the elements has shifted creating uneven areas of focus. Very Nice Cee.


  4. The edits you made are perfect. The soft glow on her face looks so natural. Makes me think I should take the time to learn the photo editing software I got for Christmas!


  5. The few edits turned it into a different photo. Awesome composition, colors and light. Much warmer. The blur effect is great. Did you use the filter in PS and painted the blur away on her face and hat? Anyhow, excellent result. Reinhold


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