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ABFriday: One Photo Focus

It is time for Stacy over at Visual Venturing, ABFriday One Photo Focus (make sure you click on the link to see how everyone edited the photo submitted by Shane Francescut of The Weekly Minute.  I adore this challenge for a couple of fun reasons, especially this month because everyone  edits the same photo.  It is always interesting to work with someone else’s photo and see what I can discover in their photography.

Here Francescut’s untouched photo.  I think it is really an interesting photo.

042415One Photo Focus - before

The first thing that I really noticed was the teeter totter in the foreground.  So I decided I wanted to highlight it.  I also like the red on the the teeter totter.  The next thing I noticed was that there was enough clouds that I could actually highlight them and pull up some drama.

  • Some of the steps I took for this photo are:
  • Cut the photo in half using basically the left side.
  • Brighten up the red on the teeter totter.
  • Made the foreground a littler sunnier.
  • Darkened the sky and added more contrast to the photo.
  • The added a lot of clarity to give it almost a HDR feeling.

Editing was done in Adobe Bridge and Nik Software.

042415One Photo Focus

Qi (energy) hugs


36 replies »

  1. I like what you did with the teeter totter. I am envious of the talents of the likes of you with these dang photo editing programs! Dagnabit! ❤️


  2. Hi, Cee! Really interesting crop – I actually like the way you’ve cut off a bit of both the dome and the teeter-totter, which does give it a sense of balance. And the boost in clarity and the more saturated red just make the image jump off the page! Which Nik program did you use? (You know I love the Nik software 😀)

    Thanks, as always, for participating!


    • Hi Stacy, I used Color efex Pro 4 for the photo. I am just learning how to use them. I’m learning to have a lot of fun with Color efex and Silver efex. I think I like it best the way I cropped it too!

      Liked by 1 person

          • Apparently it’s an Adobe issue, not Nik, having to do with tiff files from any platform imported into LR 😦 I do hope Adobe fixes it soon. I kinda feel like a ship without a rudder …


            • I bet you do. I just wanted to let you know that your comment landed in my spam. If you are noticing your comments are not being written on other people’s blog’s you may need to contact
              There is a form you need to fill out and they will fix it.


              • Yikes! Thanks for letting me know, Cee, and for the information. I remember finding a comment from Laura Macky in my spam folder once. Too weird happening out of the blue like that. I hope it’s only a one-time thing!


  3. Nice editing. It is interesting that we would call the teeter totter a seesaw. I have never heard of this before. There have been a lot of great edits this month.


  4. I agree…this is a great photo. I like your edit with the high clarity near HDR-look…I went the complete opposite and cropped out the teeter-totter!! The original photo works in some many different ways.


  5. I like the idea of the crop, kind of wished it was slightly more to the left to fit in whole seesaw in. Other wise the colours look really nice and the overall tone is balanced.


    • I was going back and forth on keeping the whole teeter totter or adding the glass dome. Thanks so much for your feedback.


      • I think if you had got the teeter totter you would still have had the half done and compositionally would have been quite strong. Yet again I turned my version into an apocalyptic nightmare.


        • You are right. I might have to play around with it. The eye would fill in the entire dome if only half showed. Hmmmm. You got me thinking now.


  6. That looks great! I wouldn’t have thought of cropping it like that, but it really focuses your eye on the picture.



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