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The Daily Post: WPC Intricate

Here is my entry for Krista’s The Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge with the topic of Intricate.

Carved pumpkin.



Spider web after rain.050115intricate_3


Polished rock.050115intricate_4


Dahlias.  Same type of dahlia with two different views.  As this particular dahlia ages, it loses some of the brilliant reddish-orange.050115intricateQi (energy) hugs,


78 replies »

  1. amazing selection of photos as usual… the spider web is amazing… and the dahlias are like two little suns 🙂 beautiful, Cee…


  2. Love those dahlias. Absolutely beautiful colors and I just planted a yellow dalhia and a yellow sun cowa lily.


  3. Spider webs are great subjects…especially in shaded light, dew, light rain. GREAT CAPTURE


  4. I am in awe of this intricate carved artwork on the pumpkin. Great photography of yours as always. All the other pictures are also very good. I love them all. 🙂


  5. I immediately thought of a spider’s web when I read the theme of this challenge. Unfortunately, I didn’t have such a beautiful photograph!


  6. wow- that was fast Cee – I did not even realize the new wpc was out – and I LOVE the variety you have for intricate – and the web is my favorite – -especially the large version in the header – you can seem refraction and it is like jewels –


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