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After-Before Friday Week 52 & One Photo Focus

Since it is the one year anniversary for After-Before Friday week challenge, we were all able to edit Stacy’s photo for this week’s  ABFriday One Photo Focus (make sure you click on the link to see how everyone edited the Stacy’s photo.   I adore this challenge because everyone edits the same photo.  It is always interesting to work with someone else’s photo and see what I can discover in their photography.  Here is Stacy’s original photo.  If any of you recognize this photo, it was the house that was used in the TV Show Mork and Mindy in Boulder, Colorado.


Here is my edited version.  As much as I enjoyed the fence in this photo, I decided to crop it out.  Then I did some magic in both bridge and Color Efex for this edit.  I hope you enjoy my results.


Qi (energy) hugs


44 replies »

  1. Hi Cee, sorry it has taken so long to comment on your image. Life has been a bit hectic here! I love what you have done – one of my preferred interpretations. The crop brings the focus on the house, the warmer, richer colours, the details it has brought out… Really well done 🙂


  2. You know, why did I not think of cropping out the fence?? I did crop out a bit from the original photo but I still had the feeling that we were a bit too far away from the door. And that’s where my mind stopped. The crop solved that problem (and got rid of the snow in the foreground too). Ah, well, therein lies the fun of 1PF! I’ve never used split toning (though Ben’s tutorials on it are wonderful), but I like seeing what it did for the image! Appropriate for a “Mork” house, Cee 😃 Thanks so much for for your ever-present support of ABF and 1PF!!


  3. I very much like what you did with it. It not only looks good, it look highly appropriate to the subject matter, a color you might really see on a house of this style and vintage. Beautiful work.


  4. I love what you’ve done. When I was in the Midwest, I saw a lot of Victorian homes that were refurbished with vibrant colors. Somehow you have conveyed this in your processing very realistically.


  5. I like the colours in your edit Cee, they definitely fit with the 1970s sitcom! I think we have virtually the same crop and I agonised over the fence too! 🙂


    • I was kind going for that 70s look with a little modern twist. We do have the same crop. I liked the fence but at the last minute decided to delete it. I know it took something away, but it also added something too. I like our decision.

      Liked by 1 person

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