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The Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge: Muse

Here is my entry for The Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge with the topic of Muse.  They want us to answer this question:  what subject do you turn to frequently, more inspired each time?  If you follow my blog at all, I think you will know my answer.  Here are a few of my all time favorite flower photos I have taken.  Sorry if you have seen them before.

Oregon Reign Dahlia from Swan Island Dahlia Farm.


Lotus from Hughes Water Gardens.062615flower_4

Rose from Heirloom Rose Gardens.062615flower_3

Maarn dahlia Swan Island Dahlia Farm.062615flower_2

Waterlily from Hughes Water Gardens.062615flower_1

Sisa dahlia  farm Swan Island Dahlia Farm.062615flower
Qi (energy) hugs


91 replies »

  1. Wow, you have been blogging as long as I have, I just finished college at age 47 and can’t find a job…go figure…either way I hope to see more of your challenges. Jackie


  2. Ah, you are in my neck of the woods. I was unaware of both the dahlia farm and the water garden. Something new to check out. Gorgeous photos!


  3. A lovely variety Dahlias Cee … all jumping off the screen ! I too guessed like many others it would *Flowers*
    Have a great Weekend !


  4. Open the computer each morning and there is the flower of the day. Ah! and all is right with the world. Beautiful, as always, Cee.


  5. Do I have to say it again? I hate flower photos! But those first two are just awe inspiring. Whatever you did in the processing really makes them stand out high and above the rest!


    • I didn’t do anything special in the processing. Basic stuff. The lotus had a real dark shadow behind it so it was easy to dark it to black with the rest being so bright.


  6. So absolutely beautiful and the fifth one is my fav,m and the last one is like a ray of Sunshine.


  7. Well we all know your flower photos are absolutely the most awesome ever so admit to not being surprised to see you confirm flowers as your muse; yet I certainly enjoyed them just as much as all of the others. Great job; keep feeding your muse and by extension us your readers 🙂


  8. I was shouting flowers at the screen from the second I saw your name, Cee 🙂 That yellow dahlia is incredible, and have you used a watercolour effect on the first one? It’s lovely.


  9. I don’t think this came as a surprise to any of us 😉 But never the less flowers are beautiful so I can easely understand you. You take lovely photos of flowers and so are these wether we seen them before or not.


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