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Big Exciting Changes Coming to My Blog

screenshot_83I’m so excited about what I’ve decided to do with my blog.  Starting in October you will be seeing some fun changes.  I also need your help in naming a new challenge and possibly renaming my blog.

090415connected_5I think my strongest photographic skill is composition which is setting up photos with the right balance, weight, lighting, and having a point of focus. I want to start a new challenge involving photo composition and developing your photographic eye.  For those people who are new to photography I hope you will be able to learn and have fun developing your skills for composition.  For those are are photographic masters, I would love your input and encourage you to join along in the challenge and help encourage other photographers.  This challenge will closely tie in with my Tips and Tricks.

090415connected_4I will cover a topic each month.  And each week in that month I will introduce a technique that falls under that topic.  This way we get to practice every week.  For example:

  • Monthly Topic – Rule of Thirds
  • Weekly Topics
    1. Bottom or Top Third
    2. Right or Left Third
    3. Two Thirds used
    4. Flip your photo for a different perspective
    5. Crop a photo with a center object and have it fit the rule of thirds

What I need is some help from you.  I have no idea what to call this challenge. I know there are a lot of you writers and photographers who are much better at wordsmithing than I am.

Here are a couple of names Chris and I came up with.

A Challenge From Cee’s U

A Composition Challenge From Cee’s University

Please help me out.  I am at a loss here as to what to call this challenge.  Feel free to use comments below to give suggestions.

I’m also thinking of changing blog name to Cee’s Photography University or something like that.  Any ideas here would be helpful too.


This challenge stops at the end of September

This brings me to the other big change.  My Which Way Challenge will end at the last week in September.  With adding this new challenge, something had to go.  I just want you to know that I have always loved this challenge.  Most all of the signs and some of the other which ways can easily fit into my Odd Ball Challenge.  Plus there is a lot of composition that can be with with which ways.  There will be plenty of opportunities for you to enter your which ways photo in my other challenges.

With my remaining challenges and my new challenge, I think it will transition my blog place where developing your eye and photographic skills can be fun.

I hope you are as excited about these changes as I am.  Thanks for reading.  And don’t forget to give me inputs on the name for this new composition challenge.

Qi (energy) hugs


99 replies »

  1. I shall be sad to see the Which Ways go as joining in with your challenge was one of the first things I did when I started blogging, even though I haven’t entered many Which Ways recently. I do think it is good to shake up things though and admire the way you manage to balance all your challenges – I find just having the Bench one enough! I shall be doing my own photo projects in the new year, not necessarily as a challenge though others can participate if they like so possibly similar to what you have in mind as I want to challenge myself and improve my photography.

    As others have mentioned I wouldn’t use the word university in your challenge or title as it implies something entirely different, but perhaps as this is a photography blog you could simply refer to it as Photo Focus (of the Month)? Straight to the point. I wish you success with the new challenge 🙂
    Jude xx


    • Thanks Jude. I always enjoy seeing people participate in your bench challenge. It just were I live there are a lot of varieties of good and cool benches. But I always admire other people photos. 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Cee, I am really excited about your new adventure! I guess I should say: all of our new upcoming adventures with your updates.
    The help and tips you’ve already given me, personally, have really stuck in my mind- which means you are an excellent teacher. I’ve taken courses and need to take many more, however I have learned that practice makes perfect and you’ve laid out a very wonderful place to share the practice. So, thank you! And, a big welcome to Chris!!!


      • ❤️Cee, I took about one week “off” and have been dying to join the challenges at your page! I will be working on (at least) one today! ❤️Greta


  3. I love your new idea and I look forward to learning! It’s so generous of you to share your knowledge this way. I’ve been wanting to learn more about composition but just haven’t felt motivated to pick up a book. A weekly challenge sounds like the perfect way to learn. I like all the names everyone came up with and can’t think of anything else right now.


  4. I’m a simple girl so I think “Cee’s Photography” is great. gets right to the point

    now for the challenge.

    Cee’s University Homework 🙂
    Cee’s University composition challenge
    Composition Challenge
    Cee’s U challenge

    Good luck, I’m sure we’ll all like what you choose. I’m looking forward to it


  5. Hi Cee. You have a lot of great comments on here already. I wonder why you feel the need to change the blog title? You have a lot of followers and essentially a “brand” already. Perhaps just make it Cee’s Photography and drop the blog?

    Anyway, I wish you luck and can’t wait to see the changes ahead.


  6. So while my creative well is bone dry, I am really excited about this new challenge! I just got my new camera and I’m looking forward to learning how to use it. 🙂


  7. It was fun reading everyone’s ideas – they’re all good! I agree with not changing the name of the blog as is seems you are well established. Your composition challenge is kind of a “sub-blog” like the others, and it will be a creative learning experience for us all.


  8. Hi Cee, I do like your current blog name. Happy to see that you’re keeping ‘Fun Foto Challenge’ 😀
    I’m also terrible at catchy names, and taglines, but here is what I thought of: Cee’s Capturing the Shots; What you Cee through the lens; Cee’s Shots; Cee’s view through the lens; Cee’s Universal Captures. Good luck with your changes.


  9. I have participated in all of your challenges at some point and look forward to more. A lot of great ideas mentioned. I like Cees C U. The university feeling of learning seems to be captured with U. Whatever you decide, we will all be excited to take part. Thanks for hosting these. I do an inlinkz link up, so I know how time consuming these can be 😊


  10. University implies there is a course of study that will eventually result in credentials/degrees that are recognized world wide. I’d avoid using it, but I’m sort of a stickler about stuff like that!!


  11. I enjoy reading about the photo challenges on your site and viewing the photos. Unless you really feel the need to change the name of the blog, I’d advise you to keep the same name. Marketers would call it, “Building a brand.” 🙂 Your current name fits the new concept of focusing on composition.

    Most people “take snapshots”, but a photographer makes a photograph by using composition and other skills. I like your subhead focusing on composition. Good luck on the new direction!


  12. Exciting! Many good names to consider too – I do like Compose Yourself because of the fun of it. ..Cee’s Uni Challenge, Cee’s Uni Composition,?


  13. I am excited about your new challenge! I’ve been trying to get my blog kickstarted….my days seem so busy I end up at the end of the day rushing through posts. I believe your new post may just help me do that. I want to learn more about photography….and it sounds like your new challenge may give me a step up.

    Thanks for all the time and effort you put into your blog so “we” have reasons to go out and shoot photos!

    I have no suggestions, but I do like Cee’s U!


  14. I’m with others who say keep the blog name because you already have the name recognition and it’s flexible enough to deal with changes. But even if you decide to change it, I don’t think university should be part of it. A university is a specific type of educational institution (one with graduate schools which grant advanced degrees), so I think it would detract from your blog to misuse the term like that. A more generic word for learning would be appropriate, but even then if I were new to your blog I would expect tutorials and online classes, rather than just practice challenges.

    Now after all my demonstrated pickiness with word usage, I’m afraid I have nothing creative to offer for the challenge name. I’m a fan of simplicity though, so just calling it Cee’s Composition Challenge says it all. For short it’s the CCC. 😉


  15. I’m with Marylin and the gang in the ‘no need to change your blog name’ camp and I vote for Wild Daffodils Eye Cee U as the name of this wonderful new challenge.


  16. I think it is great that you are going to put emphasis on your composition tips. I found them very helpful when I first started blogging then got distracted by a number of things and haven’t looked at them for a while. It would be great to put some focus on composition. That phrase might be a possible name for the challenge: Focus on Composition. Although, I thought Compose Yourself is cute and fun.


  17. I’m excited to see the new changes. I have also considered doing a weekly photo challenge myself, but I’m not really sure if/how people will participate.


  18. Love the exciting changes coming! As far as the Which Way challenge, that one was always the hardest one for me to meet. But I’m glad you’re keeping the rest – especially the Odd Ball – that challenge has really taught me to look at the world photographically in a different way. (That’s a difficult sentence grammatically – sorry!) Looking forward to learning new stuff in taking photos!!


  19. I have never been a big proponent of change, but this sounds exciting! I think, though, I would have to agree with Marilyn’s comment. Your blog tells exactly what you are/will be doing–a blog about photography. Have fun with the new challenge names, but keep your blog name. You see how resistant I am to change, don’t you?:D


  20. For your new challenge: “Putting it Right” or “Compose Yourself” or “Setting it to Rights,” “The Artistic Eye,” “The Seeing Eye,” “The Ceeing Eye,” “Seeing with A New Eye.” “The Art of Composition,” “Composition U,” “A Composed View.” I think naming something is always the hardest part! When you see the right name, you’ll know. It will just click. Exciting.


  21. How about Cee’s Photography Institute? The challenge could be called something like Cee’s Photography 101.

    Sorry to see the Which Way Challenge go, but looking forward to the new changes. – John


  22. First, I wouldn’t change the name. It’s general enough to let you float through changes without making people go searching for you … and it’s photographic, so it already identifies your (pardon the pun) focus. The only reason I can think of to change the name would be (a) it’s specific to something that is no longer relevant, or (b) you really dislike your blog’s name and just want to change it. (B) covers a lot of territory 🙂

    As for the challenge, I’ll have to think some more on it. Maybe I’ll have a brainstorm, but I’m not great with catchy titles. Maybe one of your other fans can think of something catchy. I’d probably call it the “Cee’s Composition Challenge” or something equally witty.


  23. I am going to put my thinking cap on…just as soon as I can find it. Exciting times ahead, I am looking forward to learning more photography tips and tricks.


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