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Cee’s Weekly Wrap Up – October 17, 2015 and WPC (Extra)Ordinary

Rain on a leaf

Rain on a leaf

I am hoping you all are having a great weekend!  There is still have plenty of time get your entries into all my challenges for this week.  I’m sure the bloggers who I featured would appreciate your comments too.

I thought I would add some more photos for this week’s The Daily Post Weekly Photo challenge with the topic of (Extra)Ordinary.

Sunday – Odd Ball Photo Challenge:  2015 Week #41

You still have until tomorrow to join in on this week’s COB challenge.  There is never a theme to COB challenge.  Odd Ball’s are those great photos that you take which really don’t seem to fit into a common category.

Featured Bloggers 

Monday – Share Your World 2015 Week #41

See how everyone answered this week’s questions.

  1. What genre of music do you like?
  2. What is the worst thing you ate this last week?
  3. Would you like to be famous?  In what way?
  4. Complete this sentence:  This sandwich could really use some …

Tuesday – Fun Foto Challenge:  Graffiti or Murals

There are still a couple days to get your entries in for the CCFC topic.

Featured Bloggers

  1. Nihongojapango
  2. Life is Great
  3. Hamburg und Mee(h)r 
  4. Homesteading on 4D Acres
  5. ….on pets and prisoners…..
  6. Raspberry’s Daydreams
  7. Live- 😀 – Life
  8. Creative Mom Blog
  9. Let There Be Peace on Earth

Next Tuesday’s topic will be Hats.

Wednesday – CCY: Week 2 Gold Star Award and Features

5-gold-starsShannon’s Creative Work – Shannon absolutely is inspired and awed by sunsets and this photo of her photo of a sunset is stunning.  I admire how she has the boat slightly off center from the sun.  Your eye goes right to the boat and some you get the full impact of the entire scene.  From their your eye spreads out and see the water and the clouds.



The week’s CCY Theme is Week 3:  Always Take More than One Photo and you have until Tuesday to get your entries in.

Here is a lit of upcoming topics.

  • Week #4 Simplicity
  • Week #5 Leading Lines
  • Week #6 Horizontal Lines
  • Week #7 Vertical Lines
  • Week #8 Diagonal Lines

Thursday – Cee’s Black and White Photo Challenge: Small Subjects

There are still a few days to get your entries in for the CB&K topic.

Featured Bloggers

Next week’s theme will have a new post for with the topic things made from wood.


Here are more (Extra)Ordinary photos.  I hope you enjoy.

041214 wrap up (1)

033114 mm

Much brighter and to me seems happier.
Qi (energy) hugs


24 replies »

  1. I love the photo of the girls. I am sure the extraordinary and wonder is running through their imaginations! Thank you for featuring me! That has added the extraordinary to my day too!


  2. The photo of the feather is exquisite! Thank you so much for choosing my photo to be in your ‘Featured Bloggers’ – gives me such a thrill and puts a big smile on my face!


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Copyright notice © Cee Neuner (aka Christine R Neuner) and blog.  All content of this website is the sole property of Cee Neuner. Please contact the owner for use of any image or text from this website.