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One Photo Focus – November

It is time for Stacy over at Visual Venturing, One Photo Focus Challenge.  Please make sure you click on the link to see how everyone edited the photo submitted by Helen Chen — HHC Blog.  Here is her original photo.


I found Helen’s photo tricky for me to edit.  I knew I wanted to crop it and tried a few different crops.  I finally decided to crop out the right side and some and the sky which was a little burnt out.  I wanted to keep the focus on all the super cool roots that surrounded the building. So here is basically what I did.

  • Adjusted for Helen’s camera and lens.
  • Dehazed the photo slightly.
  • Turned it into black and white, because I think it shows the detail more.
  • Cropped the image.
  • Brought up the clarity to define the roots and bricks better.
  • I also lightened up the inside of the building so you could get a better sense of the depth in the building.


All my editing was done in Adobe Bridge.

Qi (energy) hugs


27 replies »

  1. Cee, you are right that in B&W, it shows a lot more details. I am a little surprised, I don’t know why 😉 I particularly like how you lightened up the inside of the building. I can almost see my footprint. I’m definitely going in! 😉 Thank you so much!


  2. It wasn’t an easy picture to crop, but I love that your crop increased the focus on the tree roots. They are amazing aren’t they, its reassuring to think of nature taking back something in that way! You got a nice amount of contrast inside the building, just enough for you to wonder what’s in there. And belated birthday wishes. 🙂


  3. Ha ha! You’re right about us thinking alike. It looks good – different take than mine too. It’s always interesting how different we can all be.



      • I think it was the difference between using Adobe Bridge versus Topaz. Bridge – like Lightroom – does a ton of stuff. But after a while, it can’t be tweaked enough. That’s why I started using Topaz so heavily. It has refinements to the presets that I just can’t get on my own. If you want to try it, they give you a trial period. Thanksgiving is coming up soon and they often do a sale on Black Friday that’s a good price. So try it now and then buy it if you like it.


        • I have Nik. But I’m starting to see more people using Topaz and I like what they are coming up with. I just might have to try it. 😀 Thanks for the advice.


  4. The detail of the roots really does shine in your edit, Cee. It’s so interesting to see the different crops – most who cropped chose to crop the left side, but your crop and chosen aspect ratio really work well. That’s what I find so fun about this challenge. Seeing how others see 🙂


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