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CCY: Week #9 Gold Star Award and Features Rule of Thirds Introduction

Welcome to our  Gold Star Award and Features for Cee’s Compose Yourself Photo Challenge (CCY).   These bloggers all deserve a second or third look for their entries to  Week #9 Rule of Thirds Introduction.

The week’s CCY theme is Week 10 – Using 2/3 of your Photo Frame.

Awards and Features

Gold Star Award

5-gold-starsThis week’s Gold Star Award is granted to Marilyn who’s blog is Serendipity.  We have been blogging friends for a few years and I always enjoy her photography.  Her Rule of Thirds this week are fantastic.  Marilyn is a writer, photographer. I don’t have a primary focus nor do I want one. I have a lot of interests and write about whatever catches my attention or is most on my mind. Or in the news. I’m a bit of a geek and I love my high-tech toys.

Here is a photo Marilyn Armstrong took of her husband Garry.

Here is a photo Marilyn Armstrong took of her husband Garry.

Note: For your weekly assignment I would like to see at least 4-6 photos of photos. Each week I will select several features from everyone who submits an entry.  And from those posts that I feature, I will grant one blogger the Gold Star Award.  


022414-feature-bannerHere are our featured bloggers for the week.

Christine Giberson

A Season at a Time

Share and Connect – Her computer is broken so she could only post one photo.


Ramblings with A Ranger

Stuff and what if…

Dandelion Fuzz


Upcoming Challenges

  • Week #10 Using 2/3 of your photo frame (current challenge)
  • Week #11 On Center Point and Square photos
  • Week #12 Critique My Work – I will give show you a couple of photos and you can either copy them and correct the compositional errors or write a post about how I got things wrong or right
  • Week #13 Perspective
  • Week #14 Symmetry
  • Week #15 Cropping Tips
  • Week #16 Intersections

To find out more how to enter this challenge check CCY Home page.  If you have any questions, please contact me.

Qi (energy) hugs


14 replies »

  1. Thank you, Cee! Sorry, about the misunderstanding, I should mention the featured award instead of the golden star award… so messed up. 😕 Will correct it.


  2. Thank you so much Cee! Imagine my surprise to see my husband’s lovely face smiling on your blog this morning. It is the first thing I’ve opened and it was a delicious surprise 🙂 I really am enjoying these composition challenges a lot. I am, like you, self-taught as a photographer. Well, not entirely because my then boyfriend was a photographer and it was he who first gave me a camera and said “Go forth and make art!” He was a creep in many ways, but a really good photographer and I will always be grateful to him for that gift. A camera and a huge amount of encouragement. Thank YOU with similar fervor. I think you are not just keeping us busy, you are teaching us to take better pictures.

    Liked by 1 person

    • I am absolutely thrilled with being a Featured Blogger….wow! Thanks so much. My photo is one I took a few months ago, the cat and shovel pic…and I initially didn’t check it as a “keeper”…but as I ran into it again in its queue I held onto it, and thought it was perfect for an “odd-ball” shot. I liked the other, the puddle on the campaign sign. I wanted to crop it to get more puddle, but…..well, you all know what can go wrong 🙂

      gotta get up and do my happy dance now!

      Liked by 1 person

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