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Travel theme: Future (Making Room for the Future)

Here is my entry for Alisa’s Travel theme challenge with the topic of Future challenge.  This is also a follow up of my Odd Ball Week #4 entry of the building that is being torn down in town.

Our local newspaper the Canby Herald had an article on what is planned in the future for this building site.

Wondering what’s going on at the burned-out laundromat on Highway 99E is a growing past-time in Canby this week, and the answer is:  Daniel Pearson – Scott Investments began demolition this week of the burned-out laundromat on Highway 99E. It’s going to be an 8,000-square-foot building with a mix of retail-office space that includes a drive-thru window, but the exact design and tenant mix still are being nailed down, said Jeff Scott, owner of Scott Investments, which purchased the property after the former blue-roofed laundromat burned down — dramatically to many Canby residents — in spring 2015.

Here are some more photos I took this weekend of the demolition.

The is the heavy equipment that tore the building down.

012716fire demolition_2

Bricks among the rubble.012716fire demolition_1

Some of the fire damage that was still visible.012716fire demolition

21 replies »

  1. Seeing these photos from Pakistan, I’m thinking that this torn-down structure was once new where countless people stepped in with their laundry baskets. They may have made new friends there, some lucky ones may have found love of their life, who knows. That laundromat is gone now but not those memories.
    They will live and new ones will be made, once that new building is ready.


  2. It’s so weird to see a place being demolished like that. Hopefully, the new businesses will be good. I hated to see a strip mall-like complex go in on one of our corners but now it has a Starbucks and a great Thai restaurant so it turned out to be an improvement to the area!


    • This one building was worn down for the area. The building had a laundromat in the front and I know a restaurant in that back, that they just started to renovate before the fire. I have no clue who will be in it when it is rebuilt.


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