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Cee’s Weekly Wrap Up – March 26, 2016 and WPC: Half Light

0325161_2 light_2 I am hoping you all are having a great weekend!  There is still have plenty of time get your entries into all my challenges for this week.  I’m sure the bloggers who I featured would appreciate your comments too.

Here is my entry for Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge with the topic of Half Light. ENJOY. Have a great weekend everyone.

Sunday – Odd Ball Photo Challenge:  2016 Week #12

You still have until tomorrow to join in on this week’s COB challenge.  There is never a theme to COB challenge.  Odd Ball’s are those great photos that you take which really don’t seem to fit into a common category.

Featured Bloggers 

Monday – Share Your World 2016 Week #12

See how everyone answered this week’s questions.

  1. Wanting something to quench your thirst, what would you drink?
  2. What made you feel good this past week?
  3. When you’re alone at home, do you wear shoes, socks, slippers, or go barefoot?
  4. Would you rather live where it is always hot or always cold?

Tuesday – Fun Foto Challenge:  Outdoor Seating

There are still a couple days to get your entries in for the CCFC topic.

Featured Bloggers

Next Tuesday’s topic will be Alleys, Driveways, Parking Lots, Dirt Roads.

Wednesday – Cee’s Compose Yourself Challenge – #19 Geometry in Photography.  This challenge will run through  Tuesday, April 12, 2016.

CCY Features: 17 – Contrasting Colors


This week’s Gold Star Award is granted to Capt. Jill at Capt Jill Journeys blog.  I have been a fan of her blog for a couple of year now.  I adore that she is a Ship Captain and for the most part living her dream.  She is also a fabulous photographer. Her photos really displayed working knowledge of contrasting colors.  If you don’t know Capt. Jill you should check out her blog.


CCY the the topic of Number #18 Contrasting Colors.

Thursday – Cee’s Black and White Photo Challenge: Take a New Photo

There are still a few days to get your entries in for the CB&K topic.

Featured Bloggers

Next week’s theme will have a new post for with the topic of Candid Photography (people or pets).


Here is my entry for  Daily Post Weekly Photo Challenge with the topic of Half Light.

Underground hallway going to the outside (at Oregon City Elevator)

Underground hallway going to the outside (at Oregon City Elevator)

My office ceiling.

My office ceiling.

Shadow in my living room.

Shadow in my living room.

A shadow on wall with light

A shadow on wall with light

Qi (energy) hugs


16 replies »

  1. I love how the shadows you capture tell a story about the time of day or season. Each image has such a different mood too. The dog is a beauty 😉


  2. I just can’t help wondering how many cars unintentionally end up in that car park, Cee? Or skateboarders use it like a ski jump??


  3. Very creative half-light photographs! I tried to do a few underpass half-light shots from the car and they came out more interesting than good. Maybe next time 🙂


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