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Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge: Hiding or Camouflaged

Charlie hiding in box.

Charlie hiding in box.

This week’s Cee’s Black and White Photo Challenge (CB&W) topic is hiding or camouflaged.  I have liked the idea of hiding or camouflaged as a topic.   I thought black and white might make it a little easier too.  It can be anything that appears to be hiding behind anything.  And yes, camflouged anything that blends into the background.  If needed, please add a note as to what is camouflaged.  Have a lot of fun with this topic.  Sepia tones and selective color are always allowed in this challenge.  I just want you to have some fun with your photography.

For a list of upcoming topics, please see the list at below.  Be creative and challenge yourself.  For a great black and white photo look for contrast or highly textured subjects to photograph.

Featured Bloggers


Thank you everyone for your overwhelming enthusiasm for the challenge last week.  I’m proud to announce our featured bloggers from the topic of Roads of Any Kind.  Please check out their posts, they are worthy of a second look.  ENJOY!

The Day After






Blog of Hammad Rais

Take a Walk and Discover

Upcoming Topics

  • Heads or Facial Features (human or animal)
  • Shoes or Feet (human or animal)
  • Tongues and Tails
  • Open Topic
  • Close-Ups
  • Steps:  Indoors or Outdoors
  • Cars, Trucks, or Motorcycles

This challenge accepts the following types of photography:

  • Black and white photography
  • Sepia tones (browns)
  • Selective color with the majority of the photo being in black and white

ENJOY and have FUN.

If you adore challenges as much as I do, please check out WordPress’s Blog Event Listing for other challenges.


  1. Then add a link to your blog in my comment box.
  2. To make it easy for others to check out your photos and post, title your blog post “Cee’s Black & White Photo Challenge” or (CB&W) tag.
  3. Remember to Follow My Blog to get your weekly reminders.

I usually will respond to your entry on your blog, rather than on my page.


Save the button to your computer and upload from there.
Still have questions? Please contact me.


Freddie when we was a baby hiding.

Freddie when we was a baby hiding.

Driftwood finding in the sand

Driftwood finding in the sand

Hiding their goods inside.

Hiding their goods inside.

Little bird feeding the ground

Little bird feeding the ground

Seagull at beach.

Seagull at beach.

Qi (energy) hugs


62 replies »

    • It was harder than I thought. I think basically because I don’t have hiding or camouflage as a keyword. So I had no where to start looking. Freddie and Charlie were given photo. The rest I had to hunt. 😀 Thanks.


      • Slightly off-topic question, but when you mention here that you didn’t have hiding as a keyword, how do you store your photos that allows keywords? Do you use Flickr?
        I’ve looked into it very briefly but it’s a hugely daunting thing to face as I’d have to upload thousands upon thousands of photos to get them all online and then it would take forever to sort them, label them etc.


        • I actually use Adobe Bridge since I also use Photoshop. Fortunately I’ve always had software that allows you to add keywords. And for the most part my thousands of photos are generally keyword. Most programs that you can use keys words are universal, since keywords are written in your metadata side car for your photo. So if you change programs, the keywords are always there. I have no idea how flicker works and if it follow the same thing. It is a daunting task to start from scratch on old files. I’ve continually spend hours trying to up date old photos. I would just start with new photos and as you look through some of your older photos, then mark those. You’ll eventually get a bunch of them marked.

          Liked by 1 person

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